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Thread: Blackham clean up begins

  1. #1

    Default Blackham clean up begins

    Over the past few days they have been cleaning inside of Blackham Coliseum and the chilling unit for the ice was installed today. The rear entrance for the roll up door now has concrete instead of dirt. I was told that some of the building will be repainted and other minor repairs are being made.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Blackham clean up begins

    Can I get tix for the Weiny game?

  3. Default October 17th

      This is a special opportunity to pay honor to the greatest Louisiana IceGators Captain of all time, Rob Weingartner, who was recently put in the penalty box by Colon Cancer.

    Ex-teammates and lifetime friends of Robbie are coordinating a weekend reunion that will include over 25 ex-gators returning to participate in the weekend fund-raising festivities :

    Oct. 16th - Meet & Greet with the Gators
    Oct. 17th - "IceGators Greats" alumni game at Blackham Coliseum
    Oct. 18th - Golf

    Stay tuned as the names of all your favorite players will be released shortly.

    But you don't have to be on the bench! Get active!

    Buy a ticket, tell your friends, and contact local businesses who you think would actively participate in the underwriting and donations to help raise funds for Robbie and the American Cancer Society



    Homes SO Clean

  4. #4

    Default Re: Blackham clean up begins

    Great news!

    Also, I do believe that tickets are available for the weingartner event. Contact the IceGator's offices or swing by in the shopping center.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Blackham clean up begins

    Quote Originally Posted by keithj View Post
    Great news!

    Also, I do believe that tickets are available for the weingartner event. Contact the IceGator's offices or swing by in the shopping center.
    Just picked up my tickets. If you are a season ticket holder you do not have to pay for them. It comes with your season tickets. You can pick them up at the IG office now.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Blackham clean up begins

    The chill unit is installed, Layed cement for Samboni. 8x20 screen will be installed between section J & K. Scoreboards will be installed between section L & M and Section A & B. This will be some time around the first week of Oct. Speaker will be install next week in rafters. The dasher boards, ice matting and glass some time in the next week or two. They are pressure washing now. The Cajun Dome will not sell the Sambonni or the Boards and glass to the new Icegators. Will up date when progress is made.......Ross Smith, Danny's father is in charge of opperation.

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