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Thread: Hudspeth on Speculation Radar

  1. #85

    Default Re: Hudspeth on Speculation Radar

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    You win, fire hudspeth! Maybe he and Miles can start a supprt group...
    Yep...coaches who need help with X's and O's...but can talk well.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Yep...coaches who need help with X's and O's...but can talk well.
    What? Don't the good ones always hire consultants mid season, fire DCs and blame bad passing on the wind? Total mind blow

  3. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Stoke made pennies, had nothing, ZERO budget, NO support, NO facilities, played a real schedule, little fan support, and literally had to take a bus to recruits homes.. This coach has the opposite of all that, makes a million, FLIES TO GAMES TO RECRUIT.. And has never won more than 9 games..

    May I also add that Stokely didn't have 76 slots for bowl games, nor the luxury of playing in a ____ poor conference for cup cake wins?
    Excuses excuses excuses.

    So, would you rather go back to those Stokely days? Sounds like you'd be content with them as long as Stokely was the coach

  4. #88

    Default Re: Hudspeth on Speculation Radar

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02 View Post
    Excuses excuses excuses.

    So, would you rather go back to those Stokely days? Sounds like you'd be content with them as long as Stokely was the coach
    Small happy with what you have...yearning for more is futile.

  5. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02 View Post
    Excuses excuses excuses.

    So, would you rather go back to those Stokely days? Sounds like you'd be content with them as long as Stokely was the coach
    Hudspeth got the university and fans to buy into the program when Stokleys couldn't. He also has won more games per season. I like where we are and where we are headed...

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02 View Post
    Excuses excuses excuses.

    So, would you rather go back to those Stokely days? Sounds like you'd be content with them as long as Stokely was the coach
    What did I make excuses about?

  7. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Small happy with what you have...yearning for more is futile.
    If this is small time, dare I ask what those days were?

  8. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Who gives a ____ that we can only best bottom feeders?! Educated fans give a ____. It's a ruse buddy. Put the pom-pom down for one second. If you're happy with this 8-4 crap and the NOLA bowl, stop talking to me. At this time in CFB, you're either climbing or you're falling. And your dumbsas is falling for the magic show. Not only have we plateaued a la Bustle, how is this staff going to make it through a "rebuilding" year... This was his "BEST" team yet!
    One winning season in 15 years and you call three 9-4 seasons that followed crap?

    I understand some of what you're saying regarding winning with Bustle's players but this is in the midst of the journey.

    30 years of neglect takes longer than a few years, and probably one coach to overcome. There are likely peaks and valleys ahead, even if the Master Plan is followed through.

    It's a complex formula to rise in major college football in the midst of perennial powers with a legacy.

    We are like the Astros trying to acquire the mystique and success of the Yankees.

    I think one of Hud's problems is finding the athlete with both the ability and the work ethic. He's done a great job winning with over achievers. To get to the next level he probably needs better players who are willing to work.

  9. #93

    Default Re: Hudspeth on Speculation Radar

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    If this is small time, dare I ask what those days were?
    The end result of small time thinking chief.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by California Cajun View Post
    One winning season in 15 years and you call three 9-4 seasons that followed crap?

    I understand some of what you're saying regarding winning with Bustle's players but this is in the midst of the journey.

    30 years of neglect takes longer than a few years, and probably one coach to overcome. There are likely peaks and valleys ahead, even if the Master Plan is followed through.

    It's a complex formula to rise in major college football in the midst of perennial powers with a legacy.

    We are like the Astros trying to acquire the mystique and success of the Yankees.

    I think one of Hud's problems is finding the athlete with both the ability and the work ethic. He's done a great job winning with over achievers. To get to the next level he probably needs better players who are willing to work.
    CC.. We play I'm the sunbelt. What perennial powers are we competing against? This coach can't win the worst league outright and ppl have a fit when we bring that up because "we used to be so bad"... It's just excuse after excuse. Ppl don't go to the game because EXCUSE.. Can't win the belt because EXCUSE.. Can't hold Hud accountable because EXCUSE.. Can't knock off top 50 teams because EXCUSE

  11. Default Re: Hudspeth on Speculation Radar

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Ignore CajunRage. He's a fan boy.

    What we should all be paying attention to is Hud's post game presser. Our million dollar coach just ADMITTED he and his staff were out-coached, and blamed TBs bad throws and lack of passing game on... Get this... The wind!! I burst into laughter when I heard this you guys..
    Did not, you heard semi wrong.

    What I thought he said was all scores except two were with the wind and we failed with the wind in the fourth.

  12. Default Re: Hudspeth on Speculation Radar

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Who gives a ____ that we can only best bottom feeders?! Educated fans give a ____. It's a ruse buddy. Put the pom-pom down for one second. If you're happy with this 8-4 crap and the NOLA bowl, stop talking to me. At this time in CFB, you're either climbing or you're falling. And your dumbsas is falling for the magic show. Not only have we plateaued a la Bustle, how is this staff going to make it through a "rebuilding" year... This was his "BEST" team yet!
    I agree 3 straight of anything is a plateau.

    Hud does better when he hasn't settled on a player. That is how he does better in a rebuilding year.

    When he is locked in on a player like TB locks in on a receiver, his best team suffers.

    ps nothing wrong with higher plateaus that are only 4 years old.

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