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Thread: Two Cents Radio Tailgate for UL at ULM game tomorrow!

  1. Default Two Cents Radio Tailgate for UL at ULM game tomorrow!

    If you're looking for a GREAT tailgate spot that's REALLY close to the stadium, look no further than Two Cents Radio's tailgate spot (check out the location on the image attached).

    We'll be setting up between 9-10 AM and will be there until about 4 PM.

    We'll have the smoker going, some tunes and SOME free food/drinks. Bring yourselves, any contributions to the tailgate, seats, etc etc.

    Looking forward to seein' ya'll there!

    Attached Images Attached Images    

  2. #2

    Default Re: Two Cents Radio Tailgate for UL at ULM game tomorrow!

    Good stuff.

    FYI for all you twitter folks out there I suggest you follow BearlyDoug. Great "tweeter"

  3. #3

    Default Re: Two Cents Radio Tailgate for UL at ULM game tomorrow!

    CJ 55 is Bearly from the north or south? Never heard of him?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Two Cents Radio Tailgate for UL at ULM game tomorrow!

    iirc, I think bearly is an Arkansas alum that covers the SBC and southland for a podcast and blog site. I could be wrong though.

  5. Default Re: Two Cents Radio Tailgate for UL at ULM game tomorrow!

    Setting up around 9-10? What's the point..
    If it's 7 am and you don't have smoke signals going, you ain't tailgating big daddy..

    Geaux Cajuns

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeaux View Post
    iirc, I think bearly is an Arkansas alum that covers the SBC and southland for a podcast and blog site. I could be wrong though.
    Not an Alum of any school. Definitely a Razorbacks fan. LIVE radio show covering SBC and SEC. On field and on court photog for CFB and BKB, mostly SBC. Will be doing Big 12 on Nov 29 in Ames, IA

    Always doing this for the fans; we're fans first, media second

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Setting up around 9-10? What's the point..
    If it's 7 am and you don't have smoke signals going, you ain't tailgating big daddy..

    Geaux Cajuns
    coming in from ATL. Not arriving until 2 am. Need to rest for a 14 hour day

    FYI, we will be doing a live broadcast on site from 1 pm until 2:30ish and giving away ONE ticket to the game to someone tailgating with us

    Apologies for poor grammar, typos and lack of punctuation. On iPhone doing this, about an hour into Alabama

  7. Default Re: Two Cents Radio Tailgate for UL at ULM game tomorrow!

    Forgive me for not remembering who all stopped by, but I did want to thank you and at least acknowledge y'all.

    We've been requested to do a tailgate for a Ragin' Cajuns game next year, so we'll be adding Lafayette to our trip. Given Nawlin's and Lafayette's humidity levels... we'll probably look at a late October / Early November game.

    Who knows... we might turn it into a TCR "Mother of ALL Tailgates" and bring a band with us.

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