I'm a former first chair trumpet player at AHS (when we dominated). I only mention that so that it gives a little credibility to my opinion on the UL band. Otherwise, I can tell you what happens. If you have no background in band, you get dismissed by band people. I think this is an incredibly unintelligent move. It isn't so much the band members... except for the geeks... it's the band directors. They take great pride in being different. They are notorious for playing for the few that appreciate the eclectic nature of their abilities... instead of any mass appeal.
What you see in Southern is a fun-loving mass appeal showband. When groups that attempt this that do not have the talent... they are the laughing stock of the music world. When someone actually pulls it off, even a band geek envies the audience appeal. But, you can count on 97% of the local band directors to smirk and take pride in the audience's ignorance of music and musicianship. I take a different view of the whole thing.
We know UL is not going to adopt anything close to the Southern style of play and performance. For the halftime show, UL needs to continue on the track of drum and bugle corps style, hoping someday to grow large enough to produce the sound that you get from the larger drum and bugle corps. If Phantom Regiment performed in front of the UL crowd at halftime, regardless of the lack of connection most audience members have to the style and music... they would roundly approve. When Troy performed the last time at Cajun Field, I think everyone was very impressed with their level of DCI-based volume, sound and show. (UL needs to go all brass on the field... as soon as possible... it sucks for the woodwind band geek members... but if they are halfway decent musicians... pick up a horn and start figuring out 4th part).
The problem I see with the current situation with the UL band is what they do (or don't do) in the stands. The band directors at major highschools are cut of the same band geekness as band directors at most universities. If they had any sense whatsoever as to how you grow a healthy band, they would do whatever it took to try to make the band a little bit "cool" for the band members. This involes being entertaining. UL does not have the luxury of turning down 1000 band members like LSU. It needs to be a bigger draw and with todays youth... there better be something cool in it besides having another band geek giggle with you.
The UL band is missing out on a huge number of musicians that attend UL but won't join the band. The UL band director needs to take a lesson in Marketing. Some band geeks are happy being buddies with only their band geek friends. But, band geeks along do not make a good (big) band. You have to have some characters and some people who you might not agree with... but that have the balls to take it over the top.
The UL band director is the only one that should be hearing this thread discussion. He needs to go on a mission to play "stand tunes" during the game, that allow the band members to have some fun and seriously cut up with the crowd. THAT is how you bridge the road to more members and a much more sizeable and capable band. If he is offended by the criticism or just thinks everyone in the stands at the football game is a slobbering football idiot, then he is the idiot.
To UL band members, sorry about how this thread came off. You all know what Southern does and how they entertain. Don't just blow off the subject because so many people on here and in the stands are believed to be simple-minded about musicianship. Talk with some attitude to your band director and tell him that he better figure out how to bridge the gap between the band and the Saturday football audience. It matters... and if he does not get it... he is going to take some heat from T Joe. It will be "T Joe" heat... but he should not take it lightly. There are options out there.