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Thread: Game TimeThread UL-SU

  1. #49

    Default Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by Tripple Threat View Post
    _ I would love to see Southern and Mcneese rotated every other year...The crowds are excellent! _
    I'm not sure, but I wonder if Grambling travels like Southern. If they do, that would be a great three year rotation.

    McNeese, Southern and Grambling.

  2. #50

    Default Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ I'm not sure, but I wonder if Grambling travels like Southern. If they do, that would be a great three year rotation.

    McNeese, Southern and Grambling. _

    Grambling wouldn't draw as many as Southern did today.

    There are far fewer Grambling alums in the area than Southern alums.

  3. Default Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    How awesome was that halftime performance by the Southern band?! My wife, who's could give two whats about football, said she would go to every game if our band did halftime shows like that.

  4. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Saint View Post
    what's your point? i don't understand. why couldn't it be owned by, say, freedom choice america? i don't see a connection. and what does it have to do with fire bustle?
    It was a joke.
    Bad bustle...move on the name, bad attempt at humor, and not meant at all to be a political jab. Sorry folks. Nice win!!! Nice crowd! September will be sweet for ul!!!

  5. #53

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by joetox View Post
    _ Yeah, I didn't see the need why someone feels they have to inject a pointless political jab when all of us should've been equally distressed while our precious team was actually losing to SU and didn't seem to have any answer for their passing game. No doubt, the current political climate is stressful enough, let's at least try to keep it out of our mutual enjoyment of football. _

  6. #54

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ I'm not sure, but I wonder if Grambling travels like Southern. If they do, that would be a great three year rotation.

    McNeese, Southern and Grambling. _
    the only problem there is the policy of restricting the number of fcs teams a fbs team can play in a two year span. but your point is well taken. maybe a rotating every-other-year schedule. but i have to feel if we continue this kind of solid play, our asttendance will naturally go up.

  7. #55

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    _ It was a joke.
    Bad bustle...move on the name, bad attempt at humor, and not meant at all to be a political jab. Sorry folks. Nice win!!! Nice crowd! September will be sweet for ul!!! _
    actually, kind of clever now that you've explained it. sorry so dense!

  8. ooh LA La. Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by SubwayDowntown View Post
    _ How awesome was that halftime performance by the Southern band?! My wife, who's could give two whats about football, said she would go to every game if our band did halftime shows like that. _
    If our band played like that we'd get yelled at. Tone was bad, people were splatting notes left and right, their marching fundamentals were horrible, (they weren't all stepping in time), the high stepping wasn't good (your foot is supposed to come all the way up to your knee if your going to do that), musicianship wasn't there.

    Ugh. I wasn't impressed.

    Thanks for the rousing standing ovation after we were done. It was great to hear your own crowed cheer more for a visiting band then their own.

  9. #57

    Default Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    _ If our band played like that we'd get yelled at. Tone was bad, people were splatting notes left and right, their marching fundamentals were horrible, (they weren't all stepping in time), the high stepping wasn't good (your foot is supposed to come all the way up to your knee if your going to do that), musicianship wasn't there.

    Ugh. I wasn't impressed.

    Thanks for the rousing standing ovation after we were done. It was great to hear your own crowed cheer more for a visiting band then their own. _
    Sorry you felt slighted. Sometimes you sell the sizzle more than the steak. Pop music is more popular than more technically difficult classical. They put on a great show, so everyone likes them. Just keeping playing Do Whatcha Wanna, and ya'll will be fine.

  10. #58

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    _ If our band played like that we'd get yelled at. Tone was bad, people were splatting notes left and right, their marching fundamentals were horrible, (they weren't all stepping in time), the high stepping wasn't good (your foot is supposed to come all the way up to your knee if your going to do that), musicianship wasn't there.

    Ugh. I wasn't impressed.

    Thanks for the rousing standing ovation after we were done. It was great to hear your own crowed cheer more for a visiting band then their own. _
    Oh my God...please tell me your joking? LMAO

  11. #59

    Default Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    _ If our band played like that we'd get yelled at. Tone was bad, people were splatting notes left and right, their marching fundamentals were horrible, (they weren't all stepping in time), the high stepping wasn't good (your foot is supposed to come all the way up to your knee if your going to do that), musicianship wasn't there.

    Ugh. I wasn't impressed.

    Thanks for the rousing standing ovation after we were done. It was great to hear your own crowed cheer more for a visiting band then their own. _

    I am a UL Band alumni from the late 70's. I see it differently. Sitting in a crowded stadium is not at all like attending a concert in Angelle Hall. Southern's Band, Music, & Performance was designed for the football crowd in a football stadium. The sound was very powerful and the show was entertaining. Our show and sound from the stands were both "weak". We need a bigger band with more horns and we need to do stuff that the "people" like. We are doing stuff that "music majors" like. Now, that's "cut and dry", "to the point", and the "absolute truth". From a UL Band alumni that really cares.

  12. #60

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Game TimeThread UL-SU

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ Sorry you felt slighted. Sometimes you sell the sizzle more than the steak. Pop music is more popular than more technically difficult classical. They put on a great show, so everyone likes them. Just keeping playing Do Whatcha Wanna, and ya'll will be fine. _
    Your killing me!

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