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Thread: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

  1. Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    Why did we have to stop selling tickets????? Was it the fire marshall dicision or what!!!!!

  2. #26

    Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    I thought that the university was poorly prepared for such a large crowd. THe concession lines were ridiculous... People were allowed to sit in the aisles and stand on the ramps... Just thought it was very poorly run...

  3. #27

    Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    Quote Originally Posted by locoguano View Post
    _ I thought that the university was poorly prepared for such a large crowd. THe concession lines were ridiculous... People were allowed to sit in the aisles and stand on the ramps... Just thought it was very poorly run... _
    I agree, too many people were let in. I know they wanted the record, but come on. Concession stands were run poorly. Once again underprepared. But lets not let the few shortcomings ruin an awesome night.

  4. #28

    Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    _ I agree, too many people were let in. I know they wanted the record, but come on. Concession stands were run poorly. Once again underprepared. But lets not let the few shortcomings ruin an awesome night. _
    you seriously thought too many people were let in????????? are you really a cajun fan, go to any other field in the nation and there is a line at the concession stand, im sorry you had to wait a couploe of minutes on your nachos, to say to many people were let in is ridiculous, why would you ever turn away people to an event like this, get over yourself

  5. #29


    thank you, people are rediculous! they want success and better things but when u get it,they _____ about it. record game attendence,u think they know to handle it? of course there will be problems,this is the most people they have ever!!!!had at cajun field

    Quote Originally Posted by dms4720 View Post
    you seriously thought too many people were let in????????? are you really a cajun fan, go to any other field in the nation and there is a line at the concession stand, im sorry you had to wait a couploe of minutes on your nachos, to say to many people were let in is ridiculous, why would you ever turn away people to an event like this, get over yourself

  6. #30

    Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    Quote Originally Posted by dms4720 View Post
    _ you seriously thought too many people were let in????????? are you really a cajun fan, go to any other field in the nation and there is a line at the concession stand, im sorry you had to wait a couploe of minutes on your nachos, to say to many people were let in is ridiculous, why would you ever turn away people to an event like this, get over yourself _
    Yeah too many people were let in. 31000 is what Cajun field seats. Thats an extra 10k just kinda everywhere. In the aisles. Mass evacuation, equals south american soccer fan tragedies. And I didnt leave my seat in the student section. It was my brother who was trying to get something to drink for his 8 year old. Tisk tisk trying to hydrate a child. Stop selling tickets if logisticly you cant do it. Thats common ____ing sense. You seem to be lacking in that department. Fire codes are there for a reason dingus.

  7. #31


    so you went from talking about concession stands being run poorly to fire code! first off,your a douche,2nd i work in the safety business and i promise you, cajun field was in no violation of fire code u ______! some people will never be happy, and i guess ur one of them

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Yeah too many people were let in. 31000 is what Cajun field seats. Thats an extra 10k just kinda everywhere. In the aisles. Mass evacuation, equals south american soccer fan tragedies. And I didnt leave my seat in the student section. It was my brother who was trying to get something to drink for his 8 year old. Tisk tisk trying to hydrate a child. Stop selling tickets if logisticly you cant do it. Thats common ____ing sense. You seem to be lacking in that department. Fire codes are there for a reason dingus.

  8. #32

    Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    Good for you. First, do you call people douches in the safety business, i think you should. Second, the concessions were not prepared at all. This was a common topic after the McNeese game, and no one called people douches. Third, the fire code deals with the amount of people that can occupy a structure. Thats common sense(again those words common sense seems to be redundant), you dont have to work in the "safety(douche) industry." Fourthly, read my first post, lets not ruin an awesome night with a few shortcomings.

  9. #33

    Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    Just got back in to Pensacola. That was quite a Game. Hit the concession stands early bought enough to last. Was very impressed with the majority of the SU fans I came across. Band was phenom! Only thing I didnt like was when they didn't allow the Pride to play at the end of the 3rd Q.

    Speaking of saftey issues between Lafayette & Breaux Bridge there was avery bad accident involving 2 or 3 motorcycles. Had traffic tied up for 45 min or more. Saw ambulances heading back to Laf.

    Cant believe it it stayed dry at Cajun field. Ran in to rain less than 5 miles East of Laf...rained all the way to BR.

  10. #34

    Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TravlnCajun View Post
    _ Just got back in to Pensacola. That was quite a Game. Hit the concession stands early bought enough to last. Was very impressed with the majority of the SU fans I came across. Band was phenom! Only thing I didnt like was when they didn't allow the Pride to play at the end of the 3rd Q.

    Speaking of saftey issues between Lafayette & Breaux Bridge there was avery bad accident involving 2 or 3 motorcycles. Had traffic tied up for 45 min or more. Saw ambulances heading back to Laf.

    Cant believe it it stayed dry at Cajun field. Ran in to rain less than 5 miles East of Laf...rained all the way to BR. _
    I just got back home as well and came across the same wreck. I was wondering if anybody had any information on that, or was going to check the advertiser in the morning for it.

  11. #35

    Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    Who cares about concession lines. If all of our home game even somewhat resembled last nite we would have stadium improvements. I hope we get 41K again for K-State. Probably won't happen, but I wouldn't mind it one bit.

  12. #36

    Default Re: UL-Southern a sellout!! 41,357 attend!!

    Wow... some real adults on here...

    There is no reason the lines should have been back to the rails of the bowl. If you want to be a big time school, you have to run a good show. At the movies, you don't put one guy on the popcorn on opening night of the biggest movie of the year...

    No, concessions aren't as important as whats on the field, but as I walked through the crowd I heard many UL fans getting angry and leaving because its Sept. in Louisiana and they have a 20 minute wait for water. I heard very similar statements from Southern fans as well...

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