I gave my wife tons of grief for choosing Wal Mart names for both my children instead of the more traditional family names I wanted. That was an argument I could never win. I fought a long hard battle to name my son Aurelian after my great uncle on my father's side, only to give up that battle and try Claude, which also failed miserably. So I just gave up and let her name him Peyton. I don't know how Hud did it. He basically names his kids similar to how Ricky Bobby named his kids. And his wife let him. Then again...the man is a crazy motivator. I think of them in their living room, all standing around holding a large rope, and Hud is killing it with a pregame speech on how he thinks Captain is a great name for a boy. Kudos to any man who get the name he wants when naming a child...no matter how crazy it is.