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Thread: What we’ve learned about the Ragin’ Cajuns following fall camp

  1. UL Football What we’ve learned about the Ragin’ Cajuns following fall camp

      As expected, three weeks of fall camp practices for UL’s football team provided some answers to vital questions going into the 2009 season. By no surprise, the Ragin’ Cajuns are still looking for some solutions.

    Before we look ahead to Saturday’s season opener against Southern University, let’s take a look back at some of the things we know about Rickey Bustle’s team after watching fall camp.

    We know that ...

    The rest of the story

    Joshua Parrott

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: What we’ve learned about the Ragin’ Cajuns following fall camp

    Very good synopsis of what came out of the fall work-outs. It isn't the kind of material that you wave in front of a starving fanbase and get them lathered up. But, it is the reality of it. We have some solid fundamentals to allow the skill people plenty of opportunities to shine. At every score threat position, we are looking at a different individual or different pairing of individuals. The Southern and KSU games, at home, are absolutely what the doctor ordered for this team IMO.

    I love a good mystery. I eagerly await the Southern kickoff. Geaux Cajuns!

  3. #3

    Default Re: What we’ve learned about the Ragin’ Cajuns following fall camp

    The CAJUNS have to take 'em 1 game at a time and not get too excited too soon about games coming up. If the offense can concentrate on execution and keep mistakes to a minimum, they may surprise some people. I think the defense will play much better this year and keep us in games as long as they stay healthy. I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT SATURDAY!!!

    GEAUX CAJUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: What we’ve learned about the Ragin’ Cajuns following fall camp

    I'm a little surprised that Booker overtook Shankle as the #2 running back. In the scrimmages, he didn't look special that's for sure. I thought Shankle was going to win that one but I also expect to see Yobes quite a bit also. He seems to be the most talented of the backs IMO and he ran well in the final scrimmage.

  5. Default Re: What we’ve learned about the Ragin’ Cajuns following fall camp

    If Alabama offered this kid he has to be special---What impressed you on his ability compared to the others!!!!

  6. #6

    Default Re: What we’ve learned about the Ragin’ Cajuns following fall camp

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ If Alabama offered this kid he has to be special---What impressed you on his ability compared to the others!!!! _

    The fact that he is physically the most imposing of any of our RB's. This kid gained some serious weight since last year and he is also amongst the fastest. Then, I've watched him in all of the scrimmages and the final one in particular, he looked big, strong and physical as he ran over people and got good yards after contact. I don't know what kind of receiver he is out of the backfield but he impressed me the most in overall number of plays he made in the final scrimmage.

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