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Thread: Robert Walker is out for 09

  1. #25

    UL Football Re: Walker update

    Josh, was it the NCAA clearinghouse or the ACT that flagged the score and threw it out? It seems to me that if the ACT validates a score, the NCAA would have to accept it. If, however, the ACT threw out the higher ACT score then all Robert would have left would be the lower ACT score which would make him a non-qualifier according to NCAA rules. I think the problem here is with ACT not NCAA clearinghouse.

  2. #26

    UL Football Re: Parrott Blog: Sources say that Robert Walker is out

    What if he never gets the ACT score? Can he enroll in the spring or next fall as a Prop 48? How and when could he become a part of the team without a qualifying ACT score?

  3. #27

    Default Re: Parrott Blog: Sources say that Robert Walker is out

    Quote Originally Posted by Bankruptcyman View Post
    _ What if he never gets the ACT score? Can he enroll in the spring or next fall as a Prop 48? How and when could he become a part of the team without a qualifying ACT score? _
    More than likely the flagging would have been done in part by the NCAA. If he does not receive the score, then I would believe that he would have three options.

    1) Pay his own way to a Division I school for the first year, and see if he could become eligible. (I know that works in basketball, not sure if it applies to football)

    2) He could go to a prep school, where he could replace one of his high school core course grades. For instance, if you can change a D to a B or A, then he would not need as high of a score on the ACT.

    3) He would have to go to a junior college, graduate, then UL could re-recruit him a process that would take two years.

    Option 3 is the most financially feasible to most high school athletes, because juco's offer scholarships. However, options 1 and 2 are also very attractive, because the allow the student to keep all four years of Division I eligibility.

  4. #28


    Robert told me that the NCAA flagged his score. Seeing how no one at the university provided any additional background or help, there was really no reason to think otherwise. Plus, I've dealt with similar situations in the past, and it's the NCAA calling the shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bankruptcyman View Post
    Josh, was it the NCAA clearinghouse or the ACT that flagged the score and threw it out? It seems to me that if the ACT validates a score, the NCAA would have to accept it. If, however, the ACT threw out the higher ACT score then all Robert would have left would be the lower ACT score which would make him a non-qualifier according to NCAA rules. I think the problem here is with ACT not NCAA clearinghouse.

  5. #29


    If he never gets his ACT score, he could enroll as a prop and sit out a year while paying his own way. He could gain back that lost season by completing at least 80 percent of his degree requirements prior to his fifth year of college enrollment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bankruptcyman View Post
    What if he never gets the ACT score? Can he enroll in the spring or next fall as a Prop 48? How and when could he become a part of the team without a qualifying ACT score?

  6. #30

    Default Re: Robert Walker is out for 09

    What is most stupid is what is holding him back is the amount of jump in his test score. So what they are saying is that he would have been better off scoring an 18 or something versus a 22.

    He could enroll at UL this Fall part-time and not lose eligibility. Many athletes do this. I believe the student has to take 9 hours or less. I would like to see Mr. Walker do this as we UL fans will know that he is staying at UL and he would feel apart of the university and could use the weight rooms to continue his conditioning.

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