Monster trucks weigh over 10,000 pounds, make over 1500 horsepower, ride on 66-inch tires, and can leap more than 30 feet into the air. The Monster Jam show is an astounding experience – the racing part of the evening is an ear-splitting prelude to the "freestyle" event, where each driver competes on pure spectacle, jumping, rolling and crashing their US$250,000 vehicles until the clock runs out or the truck is totaled. We asked Monster Jam drivers Colt Stephens, Charlie Paukin and Tom Meentz to talk us through the unique experience of driving one of these beasts, and then to Madusa crew chief Lindsey Hilgendorf on how to put 'em back together after the drivers smash them to bits... Continue Reading Video: How to drive a monster truck

Section: Automotive

Tags: How to, Monster Trucks, Video

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