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Thread: Another Baseball Defection

  1. #49

    Default Re: Another Baseball Defection

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    _ So what are u saying is the problem?? _

    I think it would be crazy for us to even try to state what the problem is without talking to those involved. However, I highly doubt that Les Smith and Lackie leaving has to do with name recognition and possible draft status since they are going elesewhere with less name recognition than here. Doesn't make sense to me.

  2. Default Re: Whipple, Lackie leaving UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Parrott View Post
    _ Simple. Although Whipple wasn't enrolled in summer school due to playing summer league ball in Kansas, he was expected to be enrolled in school in the fall, according to coach Robe. Thus, Whipple leaves the school/program via transfer. Even if a player quits a team and later transfers to play elsewhere, you could say he is "leaving" one school for another.

    Again, Robe told me in all my conversations that Whipple was suspended, and I think I have a proven track record in providing correct information.

    Here are a few other examples of similar situations across the country. Note the headlines:

    BC quarterback Davis suspended, will transfer
    Suspended NU player Incognito to leaves school
    Suspended player calls it quits at UNM
    Ray Small suspended, will leave program _
    I don't have a problem with the article, I have a problem with the headline.

    Whipple "Leaving school” I understand, the newness of "lose" or losing a player from the program I don't.

    The facts of the article are spot on even though there is a glaring omission. I know you don't always write your own headline but the program had already lost Whipple. True he (like Justin Gabriel) would have had the chance to earn his way back on the team but nothing is a given. To be fair you did touch on the why's and wherefore's of the suspension in your blog, but in the paper the decision to leave the program leaves a lot of unanswered questions that the uninformed will never think to ask.

    In a way it makes it seem like the in-season suspension never happened and the program is in pile on disarray with a spanking new defection.

    I tell you what the whole affair seems like to me "You’re Fired" ... "You can't fire me, I QUIT."

    Geaux Cajuns

  3. #51

    Default Re: Another Baseball Defection

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    _ So what are u saying is the problem?? _
    The problem is ROBE.. The biggest reason by far and Robe's biggest flaw by far as a leader is that he does NOT communicate with his player's at all..NEVER!!! And when you have a team that is struggling(like we have had the last two years)you have to roll-up your sleeves and communicate and lead and coach your player's up..All Robe has done has told the player's and the media that his player's are soft..That does NOTHING but p_ ss your player's off and make them NOT want to play for you. The bottom line is Robe is an above average coach with a team that has all the pieces in place or a veteran team but he is a way below average coach for a young team

  4. Default

    To be honest, I think that might be looking too much into the situation. While I did not write the headline, you must understand that there are limitations when writing one for print. You have to sum up something in four or five words. Not much wiggle room. It's supposed to invite people into the story. Whipple is transferring. Some think is misleading to say from the "program" since he was under suspension. I do not since coach Robe has told me time and time again that Whip was just suspended and never mentioned dismissed. He was still enrolled in school, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I don't have a problem with the article, I have a problem with the headline.

    Whipple "Leaving school” I understand, the newness of "lose" or losing a player from the program I don't.

    The facts of the article are spot on even though there is a glaring omission. I know you don't always write your own headline but the program had already lost Whipple. True he (like Justin Gabriel) would have had the chance to earn his way back on the team but nothing is a given. To be fair you did touch on the why's and wherefore's of the suspension in your blog, but in the paper the decision to leave the program leaves a lot of unanswered questions that the uninformed will never think to ask.

    In a way it makes it seem like the in-season suspension never happened and the program is in pile on disarray with a spanking new defection.

    I tell you what the whole affair seems like to me "You’re Fired" ... "You can't fire me, I QUIT."

  5. #53

    Default Re: Another Baseball Defection

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    _ I think it would be crazy for us to even try to state what the problem is without talking to those involved. However, I highly doubt that Les Smith and Lackie leaving has to do with name recognition and possible draft status since they are going elesewhere with less name recognition than here. Doesn't make sense to me. _
    No they are leaving to become draft eligable immediatley

  6. #54

    Default Re: Another Baseball Defection

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    _ It seem that the players know more about what's going on that the fans do. And decisions are being made to jump ship now rather than later for whatever reason. In my opinion I believe that problems exist to cause these defections. Could be wrong though. _
    You are SPOT on! There is so much they could say but won't. Have you ever noticed how no one EVER smiles or looks like they are having fun? Guess what they aren't!

  7. #55

    Default Re: Another Baseball Defection

    Quote Originally Posted by dabeouf View Post
    _ Have you ever noticed how no one EVER smiles or looks like they are having fun? Guess what they aren't! _
    Most competitors don't smile or have fun when they aren't winning.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Parrott View Post
    To be honest, I think that might be looking too much into the situation. While I did not write the headline, you must understand that there are limitations when writing one for print. You have to sum up something in four or five words. Not much wiggle room. It's supposed to invite people into the story. Whipple is transferring. Some think is misleading to say from the "program" since he was under suspension. I do not since coach Robe has told me time and time again that Whip was just suspended and never mentioned dismissed. He was still enrolled in school, too.
    I see your point(s)

  9. #57

    Default Re: Another Baseball Defection

    Quote Originally Posted by bballholic View Post
    _ Most competitors don't smile or have fun when they aren't winning. _
    Except AARON BROOKS!


  10. #58

    Default Re: Another Baseball Defection

    Quote Originally Posted by rgncjn12 View Post
    _ Except AARON BROOKS!

    GEAUX UL! _
    Why did you have to do it!!


  11. #59

    Default Re: Another Baseball Defection

    Quote Originally Posted by dabeouf View Post
    _ You are SPOT on! There is so much they could say but won't. Have you ever noticed how no one EVER smiles or looks like they are having fun? Guess what they aren't! _

  12. #60
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Another Baseball Defection

    Quote Originally Posted by BrudaCajun View Post
    Why did you have to do it!!

    Because I had to!

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