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Thread: Number 64

  1. #1

    Default Number 64

    64 days until the first game this year. Can anyone think of a former Ragin Cajun who wore number 64?

  2. Default Re: Number 64

    The Sheriff----Mike was a great hs player and could have gone anywhere---but Coach Blanco kept him here------played down at first but then teamed with Glen LaFleur to be a great onside 60's lber----he stuffed and Glen ran'em down!!!!!

  3. #3

    UL Football Re: Number 64

    Greg Miller form Gulf Shores, Alabama wore # 64 from 1974 to 1976. We would go home with "Griswold" for the Easter break before it was cool to go to Gulf Shores. Some of the events during those Easter breaks were epic. He was the Conrad Dobler of the Cajuns. If you were on the bottom of the pile and someone bit you, it was undoubtedly Griswold. In one game he had broken fingers on each hand and was playing with his hands so heavily bandaged they looked like clubs. He could not use his fingers but still got called for holding three times!

  4. Default Re: Number 64

    there was a photo of the starting offensive line somewhere and he was about a foot shorter than the rest!!!

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