Louisiana Legislative Act 45 (Senate Bill 843)
Senators: Cecil J. Picard and Armand J. Brinkhaus
Representatives: McDonald, McFerren, Montgomery, and Thompson
Policy and Procedures Memorandum Preface
Act 45 (Appendix A) of the 1995 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature (Senate Bill 843 by Picard and Brinkhaus, and Representatives McDonald, McFerren, Montgomery and Thompson) officially names the system of institutions under the supervision and management of the Board of Trustees for State Colleges and Universities the “University of Louisiana System.” The Act also authorizes the Board of Trustees and Board of Regents to approve the change of name of any university within the System to the “University of Louisiana at (its geographic location)” provided no less than two institutions make a request for and are approved to change the institutional names. In order to facilitate the provisions of Act 45, institutions shall adhere to the following guidelines:
I. Institutional Status
Each institution within the University of Louisiana System has a distinct character
based upon its role, scope, mission and the educational needs of the population it serves. The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) and Carnegie classification systems shall be used to illustrate distinctions and differentiations among member institutions and shall not be used to imply explicitly or implicitly a hierarchy of member institutional rankings.
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There shall be no institution designated as the main (primary) campus for the University of Louisiana System. Any designation of or reference to a member institution as “flagship,” “lead,” “main,” or by other similar descriptors is prohibited.
II. Institution Name Change Procedure
Any university within the University of Louisiana System wishing to change its name
shall utilize the following procedure:
A. The university president shall appoint a study committee composed of representatives from the student body, staff, faculty, alumni and community (non-alumni) to assess the favorability of the name change for the institution. For Grambling State University, a procedure is prescribed in Louisiana Act 45 of 1995, Section 1.(e).
B. Following a favorable recommendation by the study committee, the president of the
university must submit a formal letter of application to the System office for Board of
Trustees approval. The application must be received at least 30 days prior to Board
meeting date. The application must be accompanied by the following:
1. evidence of support for the name change,
2. a plan for publicizing and marketing the name change,
3. copy of the proposed logo and/or seal (to be approved by the Board), and
4. a description of plans for publication and commercial use of the logo/seal
and name.
C. Following approval by the Board of Trustees, the request shall be submitted to the
Board of Regents.
III. University and System Name Guidelines
All institutions within the University of Louisiana System are to comply with the
following precepts and guidelines set forth to govern and coordinate the use of the University of Louisiana name and logo:
A. As previously stated, there is no main campus for the University of Louisiana
System. Any designation of or reference to a member institution as “flagship,”
“lead,” “main,” or other similar descriptor is prohibited.
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B. The use of the University of Louisiana System logo and/or the phrase “University of
Louisiana System” by an institution for commercial purposes or general use must
have prior approval by the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana
C. The use of the two-letter University of Louisiana abbreviation, “UL,” and/or the phrase “U of L” are prohibited by the university or any of its affiliated organizations (alumni associations, development foundations, bookstores, etc.). For academic, public relations, athletic, as well as other purposes not specified, the use of the University of Louisiana abbreviation must always include the abbreviation for the municipal location of the institution. For example, ULR is appropriate for University of Louisiana at Rayne.
D. All uses of the name “University of Louisiana” must be followed by the word “at” and the institution’s geographic location. No typographic variations within the name are permitted. The word “at” must be no less than 50% and the geographic location must not exceed 100% nor be less than 80% of the University of Louisiana name. Any institutional use of “University of Louisiana” without the “at” and geographic location is prohibited.
E. All institutions, whether or not their names are changed to the University of
Louisiana designation, must use the wording “A Member of the University of
Louisiana System” prominently on all stationery as well as on title pages of
university/college catalogs, magazines, newspapers, and journals.
F. Any adaptation of the University of Louisiana System logo and seal to university use
must be reviewed and approved prior to their use by the System office and the Board.