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Thread: The Ebola Story

  1. Default Ebola Outbreak Was Quickly Contained in Congo: How?

    Genetic sequencing confirms the epidemic in West Africa is unrelated to the new outbreak that occurred in Central Africa and was quickly contained.

    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Ebola Patient 'Should Not Have Traveled by Plane,' CDC Says

    The second health care worker to test positive for Ebola should not have traveled on a plane from Ohio to Texas the day before she showed symptoms of the disease, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said today.

    Homes SO Clean

  3. Default Ebola Patient Flew on Plane Before Symptoms

    A health care worker who tested positive for Ebola flew on a plane the day before she developed symptoms of the deadly disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today.

    Homes SO Clean

  4. Default Ebola: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

    Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a rare and often-fatal infection caused by one of the five strains of the Ebola virus.

    Homes SO Clean

  5. Default 2014 Ebola Outbreak: Full Coverage of the Viral Epidemic

    The 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa is the worst Ebola outbreak in history, and has implications for the world. Here is everything we know about the virus, and its spread, so far.

    Homes SO Clean

  6. Default Ebola Q&A: Why Virus Is a Bigger Threat to Health Care Workers

    Although Ebola is not a very contagious virus in general, it carriers a higher risk for health care workers. Here's what we know about Ebola's risk to health professionals.

    Homes SO Clean

  7. Default Did Deforestation Pave the Way for Ebola Outbreak?

    Cutting down trees isn't just bad for the climate. It also can facilitate the spread of deadly diseases. Continue reading

  8. Default Quarantines: Why They Don't Work Well

    Even in the face of a disease like Ebola, people value freedom and convenience over the public good.

  9. Default 'Plainclothes Man' Near Ebola Patient at Risk?

    A look at guidelines concerning protective gear finds that there is a lot up to interpretation. Continue reading

  10. Default Microsoft Announces Free Azure Cloud Computing Resources For Ebola Research

    Microsoft today announced that they are making Azure computing resoures free for Ebola research. According to the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 2014 Ebola epidemic is now affecting multiple countries in West Africa. One imported case from Liberia and associated locally acquired cases in healthcare workers have been reported in [...]

    The rest of the story...
    Microsoft News

  11. Default CDC Updates Its Ebola Guidelines for Health Care Workers

    To better protect health care workers from Ebola, officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidelines about wearing personal protective equipment.

    Homes SO Clean

  12. Default Ebola Airport Screening Prevents 3 Cases Per Month from Traveling

    If the Ebola screening currently taking place at airports in West Africa were to stop, about three people with the disease would travel by plane to a new country each month.

    Homes SO Clean

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