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Thread: The Ebola Story

  1. Default Could Ebola Really Be the 'Next AIDS'?

    The Ebola outbreak has been escalating in the past few months, but could it cause a global pandemic similar to that of AIDS, as was suggested by a top public health official?

    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Why Is Ebola So Terrifying?

    Any disease is scary, but why is Ebola especially terrifying? Here are some answers.

  3. Default Why Are We So Afraid of Ebola?

    Despite reassurances from health officials that Ebola is unlikely to spread in the United States, concerns about the disease in this country have grown. Why does Ebola scare us?

    Homes SO Clean

  4. Default Insisting only on randomised controlled trials for Ebola treatments unethical, impractical, say

    Leading health experts urge the deployment of alternative trial designs to fast-track the evaluation of new Ebola treatments._Senior health professionals and medical ethicists, from Africa, Europe, and USA, argue that although randomized controlled trials (RCTs) provide robust evidence in most circumstances, the lack of effective treatment options for Ebola, high mortality with the current standard of care, and the paucity of effective health care systems in the affected regions means that alternative trial designs need to be considered.

  5. Default Ebola-Zapping Robots Unleashed in Hospitals

    A disinfecting robot pulses UV-C light, which kills pathogens in five minutes. Continue reading

  6. Default 2nd Person in US Tests Positive for Ebola

    A second person in Dallas has tested positive for Ebola after coming in contact with a man from Liberia who was infected with the deadly virus, officials said today.

    Homes SO Clean

  7. Default Second US Ebola Case Raises Questions About Safety Protocols

    A Texas Department of State Health Services insists that authorities were working with extreme diligence to prevent further spread.

  8. Default 'Biggest Risk' in Ebola Protection Is Gear Removal

    A "breach in protocol" led a nurse in Dallas to become the first person infected with Ebola in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Homes SO Clean

  9. Default Could Statins Treat Ebola?

    Statins should be considered as a possible treatment for Ebola, some researchers argue.

    Homes SO Clean

  10. Default Company won't take 'Ebola ash'

    A Louisiana waste disposal facility said Monday it would not accept the ash from the incineration of a Texas Ebola victim's belongings, at least not until state officials agree that doing so would pose no threat to the public.

    The rest of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  11. #83

    Default Re: The Ebola Story

    Remember that movie Outbreak? Bomb Dallas.

  12. #84

    Default Re: The Ebola Story

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Remember that movie Outbreak? Bomb Dallas.
    Someone's still upset about Sunday's game

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