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Thread: Baseball's coach Babineaux

  1. #1

    Default Baseball's coach Babineaux

    Will do his final show for the year on the sportsnote today around 2:15-ish..

    will be talking about the season, the players and the future.. etc, etc, etc

  2. #2

    Default missed it?

    if i don't say so myself.. some of the best cajun programming around..

    ps. thanx coach.. i have enjoyed each segment all season..

    pss. moving forward.. michael desimo on this friday.. speaking of his 2 weeks so far in jax.... friday ..w/rusty guilbeau.. (sly chuckles)

  3. #3

    Default Re: missed it?

    Quote Originally Posted by snote View Post
    if i don't say so myself.. some of the best cajun programming around..

    ps. thanx coach.. i have enjoyed each segment all season..

    pss. moving forward.. michael desimo on this friday.. speaking of his 2 weeks so far in jax.... friday ..w/rusty guilbeau.. (sly chuckles)
    I did not get to listen to Coach Bab today due to a business meeting. Can you or someone who did hear it summarize his comments? Thanks.

  4. #4

    Default Re: missed it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    I did not get to listen to Coach Bab today due to a business meeting. Can you or someone who did hear it summarize his comments? Thanks.
    what i recall

    -- he seriously liked the new challenges of having to pay attention more at 3rd base than 1st.. (turbine's question)
    -- player's "exit meetings" going on as we visited and he gave his o-pine to what "they are" with the head tony
    -- coaches "exit-meet" on wednesday..
    -- timeframe to fixing "whatever" at the tigue.. "scheduled" for a year from now.. with some luck (bucks) maybe they get turf for 2010 season.. if not 2011..
    -- if given the choice of which season more disappointing.. between the 2008 season.. that one, when voted early as #1 and (19 in country) this one voted as # 6 in the "sunbelt pre-season stuff" .. this year "more disappointing to him"

    pss. thanks to cajun tails tailgating and quote la brokerage.. for jumping on board late.. as if not for them.. no show..

  5. #5

    Default Re: Baseball's coach Babineaux

    A definate improvement in the third base coaching this year. Our players seemed to be more on the same page, and not nearly as many blunders
    as the recent past. Babineaux did a great job.

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