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Thread: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

  1. #61

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by racajun54 View Post
    _ The problem is you have another school in the state using the University of Louisiana name as per the law. If Northwestern, Southeastern, McNeese, or Nichols would want to change their name this would add to the confusion. ESPN and other media outlets need to use UL to identify the proper school. Your point about Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado is well taken but let's remember those are THE FLAGSHIP UNIVERSITIES in their respective states and UL is not. I never understood why we use Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns when Cajuns are mostly identified with south Louisiana and not the rest of the state. You don't hear Nebraska's Cornhuskers its The Nebraska Cornhuskers so why not The Louisiana Ragin Cajuns? I got over the name thing a long time ago. If its Louisiana Lafayette so what. You make a name for yourself by making outstanding academic achivements and winning on the atheltic fields. You earn respect and recognition and a name change doesn't give you that. There is one school who has done very well with the city name included The University of California at Los Angles or UCLA. They didn't earn their reputation by a name but by achivements over time. I for one think that respect is earned through this manner. I know that society today wants instant everything but you earn respect over time whether its your own name or the name of your university. _
    Ok, we cant go through this enough. UL is illegal, Louisiana is not. Those schools you list are the flagship universities of their systems, not their states. We are basically that, but of course we will probably never have that distinction unless our research endowments go much higher. Everything else, I pretty much agree with, but everything gets rehashed when this discussion comes back.

  2. #62

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    _ Ok, we cant go through this enough. UL is illegal, Louisiana is not. Those schools you list are the flagship universities of their systems, not their states. We are basically that, but of course we will probably never have that distinction unless our research endowments go much higher. Everything else, I pretty much agree with, but everything gets rehashed when this discussion comes back. _

    Look, the University of Louisiana name is a main concern for ULM and other members of the UL System because there is no Flagship university for the UL System. So, they don't want any one school capturing a name that reflects or implies that it is a UL System Flagship. Legally, we are not able to use UL or University of Louisiana without the "at Lafayette".

    If athletically we use Louisiana and LU, that has nothing to do with Flagship status. UL Monroe selected ULM as their name in compliance with the law. They don't understand why we are not UL L and UL Lafayette as required by the law and will continue to fight our use of UL without Lafayette. I am not an attorney, but my point is that we would not appear to be in violation of the law with LU and Louisiana with no legal repurcussions in doing so. No one could object to our use of LU and Louisiana as we would not be violating the law.

    How many more years do we want to continue to struggle with our identity? There is no end in sight to this continuing squabble. We lose money from our inability to sell merchandise with a marketable name. We have a multiple identities in UL Lafayette, Louisiana Lafayette, UL Laf, Louisiana Lft., U LA LA, Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns, UL and Louisiana. I am only suggesting a possible solution to it.

  3. UL Football Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    So, how long 'til football practice starts.
    Not soon enough for me, Destin!

  4. #64

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Many intelligent thoughts and responses have been posted to the original thread. As is usually the case, the debate drifted to a UL over Louisiana'a Ragin Cajuns, even though the original thread had absolutely nothing to do with the name debate.

    If the Cajuns want to be known as the University of Louisiana, and it seems at least their fans do, each decision made from an athletic and marketing standpoint, must reinforce the Cajuns status as the University of Louisiana, and must grow the image of the University of Louisiana.

    As it stands, though the Cajuns want to be known as the University of Louisiana, and have part of their goal (University of Louisiana) in their name, the Cajuns do many things which send the following message: a good, local, four year university in Lafayette.

    When the Cajuns mention, during their athletic games, only local sponsors which can only serve local patrons, the Cajuns send the following message: a good, local, four year university in Lafayette.

    SOLUTION: Develop a five year contract with five Louisiana wide businesses (4 businesses and a bank, each with branches throughout Louisiana). At each branch, information about Cajuns athletic events, including chances to purchase tickets, merchandise, and donate money, will be available. At all Cajun sporting events, only the logos on these five companies will be visible, connecting the Cajuns (athletically and academically) to the following 5 businesses in Lafayette and Louisiana. The Cajuns might get shut out of Baton Rouge. OK, then move to surrounding suburbs. If this is the University of Louisiana, fans throughout the state need to be able to get information beyond visiting the website.

    When the Cajuns have commercials on ESPN, like during the 2006 football game (A 6-3 win) in Florida, which have a female with a thick Cajun accent saying, "All my friends go here," the Cajuns send the following message: a good, local, four year university in Lafayette.

    SOLUTION: Promote the University in a broader sense to a wider audience. Lafayette born and raised students and student athletes attending the university does not hurt the university, but this is the University of Louisiana, and not a four year university in Lafayette. The Cajuns need a larger presence throughout the state, using billboards in larger cities, commercials at local movie theatres, commercials on local radio stations, and constant contact with principals of Louisiana high schools. The few times the Cajuns are on national or regional TV, the commercials need to promote the University's status as the University of the entire status. Goodbye girl with thick, regional accent. Hello, broad mix of races, backgrounds, hometowns (throughout LA and the southern region) and welcome to being the University of Louisiana -- the entire state.

    When the Cajuns games are only available on Lafayette radio and TV stations, the Cajuns send the following message: a good, local, four year university in Lafayette.

    SOLUTION: The Cajuns need to get on radio stations in every large city in Louisiana, and try to snag some in Texas. AM works, too, for recruits, their parents and coaches. This is the University of Louisiana (the entire state) and currently games are only available in Lafayette. Worried about non-Lafayette radio stations saying what about sponsorship? The new five year contract with 5 Louisiana wide businesses means the businesses will have branches in the cities where the Cajuns want to broadcast. Connects local branch with university and brings advertising dollars to radio station in non-Lafayette town.

    When tickets to athletic events can only be purchased in person at the Cajundome, ticket renewals still have be snailmailed, and RCAF donations must be check only, the Cajuns send the following message: a good, local, four year university in Lafayette.

    SOLUTION: Tickets to all events must be available for purchase online. Tickets, depending on the day of purchase, can be mailed or picked up at the game. Ticket renewals can be made by email, phone or snailmail and credit and debit cards must be accepted. Furthermore, ticket renewals or new season ticket purchases must be confirmed early. A friend, after a poor Cajuns baseball season, wants to be baseball season tickets. He was informed by the university he would know in December if he got tickets. For the Cajuns' sake, this poster hopes the fan doesn't find something else on which to spend his money. The Cajuns might lose 2 season ticket purchases for this season and 2 or 3 to come. Lastly, donations to RCAF must be available in all forms: cash, check, credit and debit. If RCAF is to help the Cajuns fund their underfunded program, money must be accepted in all forms.

    A name change alters the letterhead of a university, jerseys and also the responsibilities of the University. USL, the university where STM and Lafayette Public school students attended, is now the University of Louisiana -- the entire state. The University now -- if it really wants to be the University of Louisiana and doesn't want only the name -- must serve all of and promote to all of Louisiana.

    Unfortunately, from the looks of things, little has changed from USL (The women's basketball gym STILL has Southwestern above it). The Cajuns are still local in broadcast and scope, and there is nothing outside of Lafayette promoting the University of Louisiana.

    Being the University for the entire state is a large undertaking. It doesn't happen with just a name change. The University may not be prepared emotionally, psycholigically or strategically to be the UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA.

    Until it is prepared to embrace that role, the Cajuns will still be what many people think the university currently is based on the messages the University sends: a good, local, four year university and not the University of Louisiana.

  5. #65

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    _ Seriously, where do you come up with the basis for comments like this?

    The "whole name change debacle"? It was never "thought through"? _

    Well, please explain how this was "thought through" since after 9 years, we still don't have a singular identity. Dr. A apparently wanted the name change for academics, which I understand, as it is a vast improvement over Southwestern Louisiana. The fact that he struck a deal to allow ULM's admission into the SBC so we could get the name change (everyone saw that emerging problem from a naming standpoint that ULM continues to fight to this day), took no stance on what we were to be called, our alumni continue to squabble over our name as we are doing here, and 9 years later we still don't have clear direction from Martin Hall as to what we are to be called athletically. We have an athletic department that is starting to push the envelope on UL and Louisiana, but we can't buy UL or Louisiana gear because of our internal name cop, Julie Dronet (doesn't she work under th President, so why isn't she given better direction). We continue to be called by every possible name in the book on a national level. We see one publication like Phil Steele call us Louisiana on our schedule (but Louisiana Lft. on our team page) and we think our identity problem is solved.

    We obtained the University of Louisiana name in 1984. Just coincidentally with our Centennial celebration, we opted for a University of Louisiana at Lafayette name by jumping into bed with UL Monroe who today remains our biggest enemy in our identity struggle. Did we think that because we once had the Unversity of Louisiana name for a brief period that everyone would automatically say we deserve the name today, despite the law? I certainly could be wrong, but I see nothing that would change my opinion that this was thought through from an athletic standpoint which is really where the university's identity is derived. If it had been, we wouldn't be having this discussion today.

  6. #66

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Saint View Post
    _ well, you finally seem to be getting it. stick around. learn more. _
    Oh, I've pretty much always gotta "it".imo I might not agree with some of "it", but I get "it".

    Thanks away for your kind offer.

  7. #67

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ Look, the University of Louisiana name is a main concern for ULM and other members of the UL System because there is no Flagship university for the UL System. So, they don't want any one school capturing a name that reflects or implies that it is a UL System Flagship. Legally, we are not able to use UL or University of Louisiana without the "at Lafayette".

    If athletically we use Louisiana and LU, that has nothing to do with Flagship status. UL Monroe selected ULM as their name in compliance with the law. They don't understand why we are not UL L and UL Lafayette as required by the law and will continue to fight our use of UL without Lafayette. I am not an attorney, but my point is that we would not appear to be in violation of the law with LU and Louisiana with no legal repurcussions in doing so. No one could object to our use of LU and Louisiana as we would not be violating the law.

    How many more years do we want to continue to struggle with our identity? There is no end in sight to this continuing squabble. We lose money from our inability to sell merchandise with a marketable name. We have a multiple identities in UL Lafayette, Louisiana Lafayette, UL Laf, Louisiana Lft., U LA LA, Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns, UL and Louisiana. I am only suggesting a possible solution to it. _
    I know all of this. I was talking to the poster that I quoted's point that those schools are flagships.

  8. #68

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    Seriously, where do you come up with the basis for comments like this?

    The "whole name change debacle"? It was never "thought through"?

    The name thing is a debacle. In Lafayette UL is the entrenched name. In BR, NOLA, Lake Chuck & Shreveport UL_L is the entrenched name. To the national media we are any number of acronyms. Goggle us and you will get 4-5 different names. This is a problem! I have given up on the UL thing b/c no one knows who I am talking about. If they do, there next comment will be "why do they have so many different names?" For that reason I hate HouCajuns LU idea. That is all we need, another acronym to confuse the hell out of people!

    I feel sorry for HoustonCajun and the like b/c they want somthing that will probably never happen. Like it or not we are a school with 5 different names, all being promoted at the same time.

  9. #69

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Tillman, You are right on. We need to market ourselves better outside of Lafayette. Right now CajunFun is doing a better job than the university in promoting UL.

  10. #70

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by 4LSU View Post
    _ I should know better then to venture into this Claymore minefield, but does that go for the media in Lafayette as well? Or are you saying only in Lafayette can you find an enlightened, worthy, and unbiased media? _
    When it comes to this issueyes.

    Seriously, look at the hatchet job Ted Lewis did when he wrote the stories for the TP leading up to the first Ul v LSU football game a few years back. I was there and heard the interviews with a half dozen folks at my table and the adjacent tables. What they said and what he wrote (that is , emphasised and selectively quoted) were two entirely different things. The other papers mentioned have their own agendas of either ignoring accomplishments by UL. News Star only seems to cover UL if the Warhawks win but then when they turn around an lose to UL the next day no stories to be found. Or how about the case of the Advocate changing direct quotes from UL to add the extra city tag "L"?

    Now I've given you some concrete facts to back my assertion. I'll be glad to listen to any you have to make your case.

  11. Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    _ The name thing is a debacle. In Lafayette UL is the entrenched name. In BR, NOLA, Lake Chuck & Shreveport UL_L is the entrenched name. To the national media we are any number of acronyms. Goggle us and you will get 4-5 different names. This is a problem! I have given up on the UL thing b/c no one knows who I am talking about. If they do, there next comment will be "why do they have so many different names?" For that reason I hate HouCajuns LU idea. That is all we need, another acronym to confuse the hell out of people!

    I feel sorry for HoustonCajun and the like b/c they want somthing that will probably never happen. Like it or not we are a school with 5 different names, all being promoted at the same time. _
    Metry, you and I are normally on the same page. Your point is completely understood, but forgetting, for the moment, the incompetence of our Admin, couldn't this be handled as follows: Publicize the HELL out of this FINAL name change. Make sure it is heard, seen, read, etc in all corners and crevasses of the state and of the SBC. Pump some RCAF dollars into new merchandise, and hire a marketing firm to right the ship (which will in turn bring dollars back into the University). Yes, it will probably get the "OMG, here OoLaLa goes again", but, considering the success of the RCAF, our Athletic program steps up, has some winning seasons, over a 5 year stretch, and get some people's attention. It's the one, and only way we can beat this thing.
    Have a good one pal.

  12. #72
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    We are not in some meltdown over our name. We are UL and Louisiana. Just because outside knuckleheads follow the state legally imposed long form doesn't mean jack to me. Our name is not what is holding us back from major men's sports success. We need to get our funding engine red hot, turn the curve on winning, and get more post season play. The only people who are going to donate and support our program already know the name.

    We need to get the private system working, get some great low interest monster loans going, and build the new UL athletic empire. If this is not the philosophy of the current administration. shame on them. This is "buying and building time" for our university. UL. (Hummm. low interest rates, low material and labor construction costs. hummm?)

  13. #73

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ Metry, you and I are normally on the same page. Your point is completely understood, but forgetting, for the moment, the incompetence of our Admin, couldn't this be handled as follows: Publicize the HELL out of this FINAL name change. Make sure it is heard, seen, read, etc in all corners and crevasses of the state and of the SBC. Pump some RCAF dollars into new merchandise, and hire a marketing firm to right the ship (which will in turn bring dollars back into the University). Yes, it will probably get the "OMG, here OoLaLa goes again", but, considering the success of the RCAF, our Athletic program steps up, has some winning seasons, over a 5 year stretch, and get some people's attention. It's the one, and only way we can beat this thing.
    Have a good one pal. _
    I have stated before the only way to claim the Louisiana name is through an official university press release and subsequent marketing campaign. The SID telling Nebraska or the SunBelt office to call us Louisiana is not going to cut it. Anything less than this and we will be having these same conversations 10 years from now. On the LU thing, I am just sick of our constant name changes. Changing to LU would look pretty pathetic in my book.

  14. Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    _ We are not in some meltdown over our name. We are UL and Louisiana. Just because outside knuckleheads follow the state legally imposed long form doesn't mean jack to me. Our name is not what is holding us back from major men's sports success. We need to get our funding engine red hot, turn the curve on winning, and get more post season play. The only people who are going to donate and support our program already know the name.

    We need to get the private system working, get some great low interest monster loans going, and build the new UL athletic empire. If this is not the philosophy of the current administration. shame on them. This is "buying and building time" for our university. UL. (Hummm. low interest rates, low material and labor construction costs. hummm?) _
    I agree whole-heartedly. I just think if you marry this blueprint with a publicized announcement, especially considering that the majority of people who matter know all too well about this on-going situation, would solidify a new beginning, and provide a vehicle in order to say "look, we've dealt with this long enough; this is where we are, this is where we're headed." But yes, of course we need success, funding, and marketing. That's understood.

  15. #75

    Default Re: The University of Louisiana? Only if it acts like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    _ We are not in some meltdown over our name. We are UL and Louisiana. Just because outside knuckleheads follow the state legally imposed long form doesn't mean jack to me. Our name is not what is holding us back from major men's sports success. We need to get our funding engine red hot, turn the curve on winning, and get more post season play. The only people who are going to donate and support our program already know the name.

    We need to get the private system working, get some great low interest monster loans going, and build the new UL athletic empire. If this is not the philosophy of the current administration. shame on them. This is "buying and building time" for our university. UL. (Hummm. low interest rates, low material and labor construction costs. hummm?) _
    Correct! Right now winning is what matters. I honestly believe some people have lost site of what the goal is. If we win 8 game in FB and get Louisiana- Lafayette'ed to death in a bowl game, I for one will not care one bit (unless we get blown out).

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