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Thread: Negative Nelly

  1. This is so COOL Negative Nelly

    I'm tired of hearing negative comments about the baseball team. Like saying we aint gonna make the conference tourney. The one's making those comments are acting like LSU fans. When the things are rough, Yall aint around, but when things are going good your the first on the bandwagon. The conference tourney is reachable. We swept Middle Tenn. didnt we? Noone thought that was gonna happen. And if you look at the Sun Belt schedule this weekend, we could potentially get some help if teams higher than us can lose. Its not over till its over!!! Were currently in 6th place in the Sun Belt. They take 8 for conf. tournament last time I checked. Some people need to start practicing optimisim, instead of pesimism. Don't get me wrong. I'm a realist. I know we have a hell of a lot of work to do, but some people are acting like its a given that we'll lose. C'mon people!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    True dat, we gotta pull for our boys through thick and thin. Go Cajuns

  3. #3
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    We will make the conference tournament and win a game or two is our most likely scenario. Any team can get hot however... Including us!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    Quote Originally Posted by Da Meuawk!!! View Post
    _The one's making those comments are acting like LSU fans.
    Why just LSU? You can find these same attitudes at any other major school that is accustomed to winning. Have you witnessed the sense of entitlement from Alabama football fans or Kentucky basketball fans? When supporters are accustomed to winning big, you are going to have letdowns when the team underperforms. The diehards will stick around through thick and thin, but the fairweather fans will go and come as they please.

  5. #5

    UL Baseball Re: Negative Nelly

    As I recall Fresno state had to win their tournament to get in the regionals and the rest is history..

    It can happen


  6. #6

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    Quote Originally Posted by bballholic View Post
    _ Why just LSU? You can find these same attitudes at any other major school that is accustomed to winning. Have you witnessed the sense of entitlement from Alabama football fans or Kentucky basketball fans? When supporters are accustomed to winning big, you are going to have letdowns when the team underperforms. The diehards will stick around through thick and thin, but the fairweather fans will go and come as they please. _
    Because LSU fans are notorious for being homers, idiots, bad fans, fair weather fans, oilfield workers, you name it. Everyone but LSU fans know what people are talking when they say "youre acting like LSU fans." So sorry dude you might be a diehard but your part of them so take it like the baby huey you are.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    _ Because LSU fans are notorious for being homers, idiots, bad fans, fair weather fans, oilfield workers, you name it. _
    Yes!! You are right. I've never heard of a Cajun fan fall into this category!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunConnection View Post
    _ As I recall Fresno state had to win their tournament to get in the regionals and the rest is history..

    It can happen

    CC _
    It ain't over 'til it's over.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    _ Because LSU fans are notorious for being homers, idiots, bad fans, fair weather fans, oilfield workers, you name it. Everyone but LSU fans know what people are talking when they say "youre acting like LSU fans." So sorry dude you might be a diehard but your part of them so take it like the baby huey you are. _
    whats wrong with oilfield workers?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns67 View Post
    _ whats wrong with oilfield workers? _

    I was about to ask the same thing. It sounds like he has a pretty "elitist" attitude to me. Not everyone is cut out to be a lawyer, doctor, business owner, etc. My company wouldn't survive without these "oilfield workers".

  11. #11

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    _ It ain't over 'til it's over. _

    Agreed, the Cajuns season definitely isn't "over". They have already proved they can string together 6-7 solid games of baseball with their win streak earlier this season. Not to mention they swept away MTSU. I know we've discussed it before, but how many teams make the SBC tourney? 8? If they can make the tournament, they have the potential to make some noise.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Negative Nelly

    Just remember to keep the standards for baseball low. Nothing wrong with a sixth place finish and an early tourney exit as long as Robe is there to guide us to it.

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