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Thread: France and Germany Welcome Netflix

  1. Default France and Germany Welcome Netflix

    Netflix has finally said ‘bonjour’ to France after the video-on-demand site marked its long-awaited arrival in the country, another part of its ambitious European expansion program. Announced via a tweet, Netflix’s imminent arrival has had French broadcasters scrambling for a response. Top broadcaster_Canal Play has been investing in online services, while others are offering stacks of free content online to combat the new arrival. Things may not be plain sailing however. Set-top boxes are hugely popular media channels in France, where they are offered as part of_internet-TV-phone deals, and, for now, Netflix is not offered by the all-powerful set-top box...
    This story continues at The Next Web
    The post Netflix makes its much-anticipated debut in France appeared first on The Next Web.


    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Netflix Is Available In France, But It Still Needs Work

    French readers, Netflix is here! But don’t get too excited; it’s an imperfect launch. After an astute media campaign to put Netflix under the spotlight, the unlimited movie and TV show streaming service is available for everyone to see. And with a limited catalog, a limited availability on set-top boxes and a limited set of features compared to its competitors, it’s going to be… Read More

  3. Default Netflix officially launches in France, faces frosty welcome, stiff competition

    In an effort to further expand its reach in Europe, Netflix has launched its streaming video service in France. " On est là :", the company said in a tweet yesterday. (Translation: "Spoiler alert: We are here").


  4. Default Netflix launches its movie and TV streaming service in Germany

    Netflix is slowly spreading its on-demand television and movie streaming service across Europe. After reaching the shores of France, the company today entered_Germany in a bid to grow its user base, revenue and international influence. The launch was announced in a tweet, and curious customers can register a new account via Subscriptions start from €7.99 per month, which is in line with_other markets where Netflix already operates. The company has accrued a sizeable library of homegrown exclusives, including House of Cards, Orange is the New Black and, most recently, the animated comedy BoJack Horseman. The first two have been...
    This story continues at The Next Web
    The post Netflix launches its movie and TV streaming service in Germany appeared first on The Next Web.


    Homes SO Clean

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