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Thread: What do you think these recent games do to HUD's "mystique"?

  1. #13

    Default Re: What do you think these recent games do to HUD's "mystique"?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    Then why is it fans of other schools think that once he's gone we will be to the old USL days?
    Because they have the history of Martin Hall to back up that prediction. I hope they're wrong.

  2. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by techdawg88 View Post
    who made those claims?
    I've been told that by numerous fans of other schools in Louisiana and Texas. They all say the same ____. "Better enjoy it whole it last" "enjoy it while y'all have that coach"

  3. Default Re: What do you think these recent games do to HUD's "mystique"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    It's simple. I hope Hud does leave for a head SEC job one day, preferably sooner than later. Why? Because it will mean: 1) He's done enough here to warrant such a promotion, great success for us; 2) It will open up our pool of potential candidates, as we'd no longer be seen as a coaching graveyard (Baldwin, Bustle).

    Thing is, ain't going to happened until Hud can take this team to a place like Ole Miss and produce a showing that gains respect across the country. He also needs to not have his team perform like they did last week against LA Tech. For him to get a head BCS job, he needs to take the Cajun football team to being the CLEAR 2nd best in the state, at least. He hasn't done that.
    ----You can add Stokley, Robertson, Tammairello, and Faulkinberry to the skeleton grave yard!!!

  4. #16

    Default Re: What do you think these recent games do to HUD's "mystique"?

    Boomer has a helluvalot more "mystique" than HUDdy 😎

  5. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    Boomer has a helluvalot more "mystique" than HUDdy 😎
    Boomer is the definition of mystique haha. I hope I'm half the man he is when I'm his age.

  6. #18

    Default Re: What do you think these recent games do to HUD's "mystique"?

    If HUD left tomorrow enough things have been put into motion where I think UL will continue on its forward path, with or without HUD. The upgrades to facilities, the administration actually giving a damn about the football program, the fans actually giving a damn about the football program, the $1M precedent to spend on the next coach. All these things will carry UL forward. And HUD's mystique is that regardless of what kind of a Xs and Os football coach he is ... there is no doubt these are all things that HUD has put into motion.

  7. #19

    Default Re: What do you think these recent games do to HUD's "mystique"?

    In coaching as with many things in life you get what you pay for. And Ricky Bustle was making $140k/yr. We are now willing to pay $1m/yr. It makes a difference on whoever HUDs replacement would be if he did ever leave.

  8. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    Boomer has a helluvalot more "mystique" than HUDdy 😎
    You like the relative in the room that everyone wishes would leave so we can enjoy our family time. Go back to your on board, if they will have you. Come back next year 1 week before we play again. Learn to take a hint. Go away.

  9. Default Re: What do you think these recent games do to HUD's "mystique"?

    I want one day to nickname Hud "Ronnie". Be the coach to break the cycle and move to a "better" HC gig.

    If you're an American history buff, you know what cycle Ronald Reagan broke.

  10. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    Boomer is the definition of mystique haha. I hope I'm half the man he is when I'm his age.
    Boomer should be y'all's new "spirit leader". I want see him take down The Pepper.

  11. #23

    Default Re: What do you think these recent games do to HUD's "mystique"?

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    Boomer should be y'all's new "spirit leader". I want see him take down The Pepper.
    I'll take it! Anything is better than that damn thing.

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