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Thread: Football 1970

  1. Default Football 1970


    Coach Faulkinberry becomes a legend.

    What a year for McNaspy Stadiums last hurrah. 9 wins against just 2 losses in the regular season, followed by a bowl birth for second time in school history.

    The 9-3 record after a narrow loss in the Grantland Rice Bowl gave the Cajuns a 7th straight year without a losing record.

    There was a lot of activity going on around campus during this most productive year.

  2. The grounds where Southwestern Stadium once stood-adjacent to The Campus Swamp-was being buried beneath a brand new Student Union.

  3. The players were saying goodbye to McNaspy Stadium (the field where the Swamp Fox once ran wild), in heroic fashion.


  4. Default

  5. A new stadium and field that was to become known as "The Swamp" was being built at the new Athletic plant. The stadium was structurally complete during the season and was used for the team photo but no games would be played at the Swamp till the 1971 season.

    The new stadium was slated to cost $3.2 million to build, whether this estimate held true or not is not known. ( by )

    It was paid for by a tax on Evangeline Downs race track, a business owned (at the time) by UL Alumnus B.I. Moody

  6. Default

  7. #4

    USL (1960-1983)  (1985-1998)

    And I return to USL after two years in service and year in Nam. Jan., 1970. And the university hasn't been the same since.

  8. Default

    Originally posted by Trigger74
    And I return to USL after two years in service and year in Nam. Jan., 1970. And the university hasn't been the same since.
    Did you get to witness the 1 point loss to Tennessee State in Baton Rouge on December 12, 1970 (?)

  9. #6

    UL Football

    I was a walk on in the spring of 70, tore my ankle up, came back in fall and damaged other. Very close to players almost like part of the team..Was at the all night party with them at Pinhook. Was a judge of homecoming. At Grantland Rice Bowl we use my car with me driving for cheerleaders. Was on sideine with team, so yes can say I say Leon McQuay run us over for homecoming and Je Gillum beat us by 1 for the bowl.

  10. Default

    Mike McDonald runs back an interception.

  11. UL Football The Birth of Cajun Field, 1970

    The $4.5 million University of Southwestern Louisiana athletic complex, which was considered only a dream three years ago, is taking shape rapidly but speculation continues that USL will not be able to open its 1970 football season against the University of Southern Mississippi in the new facility on Sept 12.

    University officials and the USL Stadium Committee gave the first hint that work may not be completed when they issued a statement in June that tickets for the Sept. 12 opener would be printed for both McNaspy Stadium and the new facility.

    They have so far given no hint what the stadium will be called, with Acadiana Field, Memorial Stadium, Alumni Field and others reportedly being considered.

    Story found on
    Discovered by Fanof71

    Original story by By Charles Lenox and Jim Bradshaw in Daily Advertiser

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