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Thread: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

  1. Default Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    Take our poll, and tell us which spirit leader/mascot is your favorite.


    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Re: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    The Advertiser once did a poll on what they should call UL and promised to abide.

    They abide on Athletics unless Megan is writing the story.

    This is a look back poll more than a look forward poll.

    I went with something new.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    How about a big egg

  4. #4

    Default Re: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    How about a big egg
    Wouldn't make the chicken the most logical, because that's what we laid this weekend the big EGG!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    The Cajun Chicken was the best, but it would not be my favorite now unless the "original" was in the costume! However, as we get older, some of us we can't "Roosta like we used to"! Maybe Russell is in that same boat with us! HaHaHa.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    The Advertiser once did a poll on what they should call UL and promised to abide.

    They abide on Athletics unless Megan is writing the story.

    This is a look back poll more than a look forward poll.

    I went with something new.
    It is a bad poll. Nothing in the past has worked effectively. The pepper is perfect as an accent on Ragin, otherwise, I would not use it as a mascot. I wish UL would convene a committee of some of us alumni to come up with some better selections, i.e. Bull Gator, CatahoULa, etc. I would even change the logo removing the yellow and orange and have something clean like my avatar. I'm not concerned about who had the Swamp first or that another university has a Gator for a mascot. If that was a problem, Clemson and LSU would be in deep trouble with both using Tigers and Death Valley, as would all of the universities with bulldogs, tigers, cowboys, etc. as their mascots. I would address what is good for our university regardless of what another school is using and do something creative with that.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    A bulldog.

  8. Default Re: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    First of all I understand Bulldog nostalgia.

    However, with all the self imposed/forced name confusion that exists, I am somewhat shocked that some want to return to the in State confusion that the Bulldog provided.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    Whenever they want to reconvene the mascot convention at Martin Hall, I must be invited. I can do the Catahoula presentation and Turbine can do the Gator presentation.

    No decision by the admin. will be legit unless both of us are present.

  10. Default Re: Partial POLL: What do you think the Cajuns mascot should be?

    3 generations of students have come up through the Pepper.

    Most 20 year olds have known nothing else due to preschool status in 1999.

    Yet it is barely holding its own against a phantom "Something New"

    This is a tremendous indictment against the Pepper.


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