How's this. I expect our team to play well Saturday. I won't go so far as to say I think we'll win, but I think we'll be in it till the end and have a shot at winning. I also think we'll give Boise all they can handle and be in apposition to win it at the end. I expect UL to be bowling at season's end, and by anyone's estimation, that would make 2014 a successful year.
I think what Ragingolfer is trying to say is "Know your place".
Thank you for seeing the validity of the post. I agree that you could create some kind of BCS like formula, and make it open to all universities. if ULM pulls it together then they get the opportunity also. Thanks for getting this thread back on topic.Your suggestion about the Acadiana legislators introducing legislation dropping the city tag if we are a Tier 1 university has some merit, however USN&WR Tier 1 should not be the criteria for reasons already stated. Only LSU, UL, LA Tech and UNO (I believe) are considered National Universities with significant research. UL should be allowed to drop its city tag because of its academic achievements and National ranking. Neither ULM nor any other UL System school should be eligible to do so.
Look I don't want to defend la tech, that is not my point, but ULL's grants that are largely lopped into R&D is not true R&D but rather outreach programs. While these programs are great and show how they are involved in the community it doesn't show their research impact. What most universities use is invention disclosures. Tech had 27 last year, how many did University of Louisiana at Lafayette have? I tried for 30 seconds to google search but gave up when I couldn't find it.
I agree, ULM should also have the opportunity. What I meant is that they would not currently qualify given their academic standing. With decreased state funding, it is unlikely they will ever reach a higher level. Create a system to recognize and reward excellence, starting with the current highest ranking academic institutions (LSU, UL, La Tech and UNO) that are light years ahead of all other state schools. Part of that reward is a name indicative of its standing. In our case, we would drop the "at Lafayette".
That is the solution though, sure the formula would probably be tweaked a lil, based on probably some kind of grad act formula. But give ULM, ULL, Mcneese etc... The opportunity.
Regardless of the arguments of a contest, and a criteria for meeting those objectives, you do understand that this state did not object to USL being UL due to not "qualifying"? It was pure politics. And if some guideline were given that included reaching specific milestones, the state would ensure that no school qualified. Do you know this? Because it is the reality of the situation.
The other 38 states that have both an X university and an X state university, did not hold these qualifiers as stringent as you've required. I was at UL (then USL) when the name was approved. Our professors were not majority UL graduates. They conferred with colleagues from other state colleges (outside the state of Louisiana) that resoundingly applauded the move. When they found out it was being blocked, which included my aunt, a professor at Indiana, they agreed that Louisiana was once again the dumbest state in the country. They said, at no point in the development of state universities do we fight so hard to limit the expansion, on a national basis, of our universities. If we thought that a particular university could assist our state, through it's many alumni and associations throughout the country, by securing a less regional name, we would be seeking the best qualifier and be done with it.
There are programs that do not grow to a name... they grow into a name. This state orchestrated a playing field that doesn't allow "contests". It plays politics. That is it. Plain and simple.
You ate a Johnny Come Lately to this situation. To pretend we haven't had purely objective arguments regarding the validity of UL being more qualified to be "UL" is incorrect. It was, however, detrimental to UL to attempt it. We have been ganged up on by other state schools that don't want us to make more gains. You seem to believe we have an open path ahead of us to accelerate toward a finish line to become greater than we are. That open space, when we find it, closes as fast as it opens.
I don't personally care about our official name right now. We are UL. That is our short reference. Whether or not you or anyone else thinks it's a gold watch prize at the end of a fairy tale or not. We sure would like it if everyone would mind their own business while we make progress against the flow. Some day, it may become more evident that we were UL all along. And who knows... when unicorns and leprechauns take over this state... we might even get the name, officially.
I will, again, say this... other states have allowed less regional names to universities to assist in their growth. Some haven't even made it to your qualification criteria. But, I haven't seen a single state argue about revoking those names. For them, it would be too petty. But that isn't the case for our state.
My point is that ULL has been trying this method since 1974, and it hasn't worked. A wise man once said the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again waiting for a different result. Why not get the Acadiana legislature to do something different.
If you are happy with espn-Bristol and the rest of the national media trolling you for the rest of your lives then by all means keep doing the same thing over and over.
Does anyone really think that the University of Texas, Texas A&M University and Texas Tech University gave a rats ___ that Texas State University at San Marcos dropped the "at San Marcos" to become Texas State University? Of course not.
My last post on this subject because of a wise man. Obviously Louisiana does care about the name, it is the world you live in. Just because Texas does something has nothing todo with Louisiana. So to me your options is to keep talking about it or try something different. It is my opinion after being on this board that the majority of the fan base would rather just complain than look for an innovative option and try it.
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