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Thread: (Yet Another) Name Thread

  1. #85

    Default Re: (Yet Another) Name Thread

    Actually, as per the Louisiana Legislative Auditor, the NET assets of the UL Foundation as of June, 2013, was $126,976,936 which INCLUDED endowments of $82,455, 065. Louisiana Tech Foundation , same reporting period, had NET assets of $48,703,419 including endowments of $25,290,665.

  2. #86
    Oiler's Avatar Oiler is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: (Yet Another) Name Thread

    UL, La Tech, and LSU are all public universities whose primary mission is to educate the "masses". Nobody outside of the state of Louisiana thinks any of us are "premier" universities. LSU is full of Texas residents that were not academically qualified to get into UT or A&M. Still, people in Baton Rouge think LSU rates up there with the best in the nation. Its laughable really. Getting into a whizzing match over whether UL or La Tech is the most academically elite is even more laughable. We're both way down the list of the nation's most prestigious universities. Believing otherwise only shows one's naivety.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    UL, La Tech, and LSU are all public universities whose primary mission is to educate the "masses". Nobody outside of the state of Louisiana thinks any of us are "premier" universities. LSU is full of Texas residents that were not academically qualified to get into UT or A&M. Still, people in Baton Rouge think LSU rates up there with the best in the nation. Its laughable really. Getting into a whizzing match over whether UL or La Tech is the most academically elite is even more laughable. We're both way down the list of the nation's most prestigious universities. Believing otherwise only shows one's naivety.
    You just made his day, he is really pimping Tulane.

  4. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    UL, La Tech, and LSU are all public universities whose primary mission is to educate the "masses". Nobody outside of the state of Louisiana thinks any of us are "premier" universities. LSU is full of Texas residents that were not academically qualified to get into UT or A&M. Still, people in Baton Rouge think LSU rates up there with the best in the nation. Its laughable really. Getting into a whizzing match over whether UL or La Tech is the most academically elite is even more laughable. We're both way down the list of the nation's most prestigious universities. Believing otherwise only shows one's naivety.
    And anyone who thinks you're a Cajuns fan is dumb@zz.

  5. #89

    Default Re: (Yet Another) Name Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragingolfer View Post
    Hi, I'm a new poster and live in lafayette. I have worked at several universities across the state, and just wanted to give you my non flaming opinion on using Louisiana or UL.
    For me I have never opposed ULL using UL for athletics. The problem I have is academics which for an university is inherently linked. This state is currently home to 3 tier 1 universities. Those universities are Tulane, LSU, and La Tech. None of those schools have a regional identifier and two of them using Louisiana in their name. I think that it shows bad on our state for a school without a tier 1 ranking to use the full state name. It is about academics and state prestige, not on some grand plan to hate on ULL.
    In fact if ULL was to break the tier 1 rankings I would have no issue calling it UL and if the became higher ranked than Tulane I would call the BLU (the best university in Louisiana) but until such time I can not get behind it.
    If I was an Acadiana legislator I would introduce a bill at the legislator that stated that all tier 1 universities that maintain that ranking for x years has the ability to change their official name to include the Louisiana with no regional affiliation. I bet you could get full support for that, and then it would be up to the students and administration to achieve that goal.
    TL;DR: ULL has to improve academically to become UL. And once they do, which it appears they are on the right path, then they can become UL. Until then I don't want an academically inferior university using Louisiana without a regional identifier.
    I must say, this was an entertaining read. I guess if La Tech gets busted down to a Tier II university, it should refer to itself as UL-Ruston.

  6. #90

    Default Re: (Yet Another) Name Thread

    Washington Monthly College Guide 2014 rankings of Louisiana colleges:

    Tulane 62
    UL 172
    LSU 185
    La Tech 233
    UNO 269

    No other Louisiana universities made the list.

  7. #91

    Default Re: (Yet Another) Name Thread

    My mind's made up. We are Louisiana. I think that will be the eventual verdict.

  8. #92

    Default Re: (Yet Another) Name Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by dumbfounded View Post
    Actually, as per the Louisiana Legislative Auditor, the NET assets of the UL Foundation as of June, 2013, was $126,976,936 which INCLUDED endowments of $82,455, 065. Louisiana Tech Foundation , same reporting period, had NET assets of $48,703,419 including endowments of $25,290,665.
    Good work. The gaps in various reported numbers have to do with assets a foundation has, but which are not eligible in standard reporting. For instance, I believe buildings are not included, unless they generate income.

  9. #93

    Default Re: (Yet Another) Name Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by dumbfounded View Post
    Actually, as per the Louisiana Legislative Auditor, the NET assets of the UL Foundation as of June, 2013, was $126,976,936 which INCLUDED endowments of $82,455, 065. Louisiana Tech Foundation , same reporting period, had NET assets of $48,703,419 including endowments of $25,290,665.
    PS Remember how I said that we catch LTU "exaggerating" all the time?

  10. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    Where did you go to college? I'm not flaming you. I just want to know where you attended and/or graduated?
    No instate university for grad or under grad however I have worked with every instate univeristy in research before I "Sold Out" to the private sector.

  11. #95

    Default Re: (Yet Another) Name Thread

    As far as "research," since UNO and La Tech are in the same Carnegie classification as UL, let's compare:

    UL $68M R&D
    UNO $33M R&D
    LTU $27M R&D

    That means UL has more R&D dollars than UNO and La Tech combined.

  12. #96
    Oiler's Avatar Oiler is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: (Yet Another) Name Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by duggie85 View Post
    And anyone who thinks you're a Cajuns fan is dumb@zz.
    Being a Cajun fan does not require that one be delusional about our university's academic status.

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