Got with Gerald and his list as of this past Friday had 3-board members putting up each $200.00 and 9 others putting up each $100.00 totaling $1,500.00!!
Gerald was impressed that we did this on the internet!! I told him that I thought that after the holidays and once TAX returns are in route that we should see more monies flow in!!!
We are to meet again soon and may come up with a dead line, in that a date is needed to get the monies in so that construction can begin and GATEWAYS sold to advertisers($50,000 to be raised per year for football recruiting) remember what we did with an additional $33,000(#50 in the Nation/
If someone could make a graph for amount raised and goal to be raised which could be updated would be sweet!!
May your Days be filled with Louisiana touchdowns, Slam dunks, Homeruns, Photo finishes, Aces, and Facility Improvements!!!