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Thread: Gates to the Swamp ( SwampGate Project )

  1. #169

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Gates to the Swamp ( SwampGate Project )

    Quote Originally Posted by Sanchez
    I'm going to be down for the game on the twenty-fifth of November and I sure hope the swamp gates are done by then. Now which ones are done the two away from Congress street?
    Correct the ones one the Bertrand side are complete at the Stadium that is, but on the CajunDome side of Cajun field the Gates are not complete.

    Gerald just called and WE will take the $5500 + dollars add it to $15,000 from the University by way of Donation from the Moncla's and discounts from a local fence company, Bricks donated by Baker, Marble by Greene, Circle Ragin Cajuns by Begnauds and some labor from a local contractor and some of the people on RaginPagin and Delphi then GET $12,500 MORE DOLLARS AND BOOM THERE ARE THE GATEWAYS.

    NOW, before anyone gets upset we are able to do this because this contractor will also DO all the other gates already bricked around the complex and add a few more bricked gateways, WHILE also providing ALL the ACTUAL GATES for EACH Gateway including the SWAMPGATES!!!!!!!!

    All material will be like at the Baseball, Softball and Tennis complexes!!!


    ps More info on those who want to become a part of "DIFFERECE MAKERS"!!

  2. #170

    Default Re: Gates to the Swamp ( SwampGate Project )

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    ps More info on those who want to become a part of "DIFFERECE MAKERS"!!
    Dc when will you need the help?

  3. #171

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Gates to the Swamp ( SwampGate Project )

    Quote Originally Posted by Clutch0364
    Dc when will you need the help?
    Dates for any manual labor help will come after we get the financial portion completed.

    Getting the Financial end done is the hard part! Anyone able to chip in $25, $50, or $100 or more would be great. It all adds up and the magic number is $12,500! I have a couple of friends that may be able to chip in each $1000 or so. but that is a maybe. I will chip in another $250.00 so the number now is $12,250!!!


    Private message me if you want to call me.

    ps Remember ALL the "actual gates" depend on this monies coming through!!

  4. Default Re: Gates to the Swamp ( SwampGate Project )

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    I think volunteer days are the coolest.

    I also think there was virtually no promo of this past saturday. Voluteer days should have no less than 3 weeks of buildup.

    People will not show up out of the blue.
    There needs to be a lil lead time-----what a great day--Some cold beer or other pops, great food, and great BS with board members---Also some bumps with coaches and players---It was really a fun time for this old fart. Now if we can only line the upper deck with red like Jan did!!!!!

  5. #173

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Gates to the Swamp ( SwampGate Project )

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer
    There needs to be a lil lead time-----what a great day--Some cold beer or other pops, great food, and great BS with board members---Also some bumps with coaches and players---It was really a fun time for this old fart. Now if we can only line the upper deck with red like Jan did!!!!!
    Gerald, was telling me of a better grade of paint for the tunnel, wall around field, railings, steps anything RED could, should and WILL be painted with. It is not that much more expensive but does NOT fade nearly as quickly. It is the same stuff they used on the scoreboard prior to the New Orleans Bowl!!!


    ps We just need firm comittments towards the $12,500, which do NOT have to be paid all at once. Takers can PM me if they do not want to be mentioned on the boards.

  6. #174

    Default Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    Gerald and the University are going to attrack monies like this first to stadiums we own not ones the city and state own and or we have just part ownership in.

    I understood the Athletic complex or the indoor practice facility to be what Cox is going to sponsor the naming rights to. The announcement was to be announced back in Feb '06, but there is more involved than just the naming rights. Gerald is hoping it is done soon, so to attract other simular monies to name other facilities or fund the $20+ Million Scholarship Fund which would free up approx $1.5 Million already in the athletic budget. These freed monies could be used for many things like: coaches pay, increased budgets for ALL sports, facility enhancement, marketing, recruiting, etc!!!


    ps I told you things are getting sweet!!!!
    You are right. Things are getting sweet.

    You already have my private e-mail, so let me know when you need the manual labor help.

  7. #175

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunproud
    You are right. Things are getting sweet.

    You already have my private e-mail, so let me know when you need the manual labor help.
    Will do my Louisiana Friend!!


    ps The Weight Room is real close to being doubled in size also, real close!

  8. Default Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    Will do my Louisiana Friend!!


    ps The Weight Room is real close to being doubled in size also, real close!
    I have been confused about the weight room project!!! One is an exspansion to Bourg. Hall and the other to the UL athletic complex that now exists!!!!

  9. #177

    UL Football Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer
    I have been confused about the weight room project!!! One is an exspansion to Bourg. Hall and the other to the UL athletic complex that now exists!!!!
    Exactly, you hit the nail on the head!!


  10. #178

    Ragin' Cajuns SwampGates up on Student Side..


    The Long awaited "Swamp Gates" are up on the Student side of the field. They were actually up as of the first home game!

    I want to again THANK EVERYONE who put up monies towards this project. Here on Delphi and on RaginPagin I posted request to have monies raised to build these gates several years ago. We raised over $6500 dollars!!!!!!!!! The SGA put up a grand, so did the Alumni Association the remainder came frome YOU!!!

    Due to the price of oil and steel the project ended up costing well over $30,000. Some of that $30,000 is the marble tops to be donated be Greene Marble and Tile, also the nice Circle Ragin Cajun plaques are being donated by a local Manufacturing Co.(starts with a B) I will post the name when it comes to me(they are GREAT UL backers). The Bricks were donated again this time. The remainder of the gates and labor was donated thru trade with Dailey Fence company!!!

    This project should be totally complete prior to homecoming!

    You have made Cajun Field not only look better but also make more money for years to come thru sponsorships of these gateways!!!! This is something you can tell your friends and family, as how stepping up as you did can and will make a difference!!!!

    Now that this complete I will be coming to you with a much smaller project tomorrow when I get the numbers from Gerald. This is will be at the tennis complex, which is a Difference Makers Project I have taken over. I will be asking for $10-$20 donations to make it happen. I feel that most can afford this amount and more can get involved and take additional pride in this Difference Making Project!!!


  11. #179

    Default Re: SwampGates up on Student Side..

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    _ 26169.1

    The Long awaited "Swamp Gates" are up on the Student side of the field. They were actually up as of the first home game!

    I want to again THANK EVERYONE who put up monies towards this project. Here on Delphi and on RaginPagin I posted request to have monies raised to build these gates several years ago. We raised over $6500 dollars!!!!!!!!! The SGA put up a grand, so did the Alumni Association the remainder came frome YOU!!!

    Due to the price of oil and steel the project ended up costing well over $30,000. Some of that $30,000 is the marble tops to be donated be Greene Marble and Tile, also the nice Circle Ragin Cajun plaques are being donated by a local Manufacturing Co.(starts with a B) I will post the name when it comes to me(they are GREAT UL backers). The Bricks were donated again this time. The remainder of the gates and labor was donated thru trade with Dailey Fence company!!!

    This project should be totally complete prior to homecoming!

    You have made Cajun Field not only look better but also make more money for years to come thru sponsorships of these gateways!!!! This is something you can tell your friends and family, as how stepping up as you did can and will make a difference!!!!

    Now that this complete I will be coming to you with a much smaller project tomorrow when I get the numbers from Gerald. This is will be at the tennis complex, which is a Difference Makers Project I have taken over. I will be asking for $10-$20 donations to make it happen. I feel that most can afford this amount and more can get involved and take additional pride in this Difference Making Project!!!

    DaddyCajun _
    Great job, DaddyC! Thanks for stepping up to make a difference!

  12. UL Football Re: SwampGates up on Student Side..

    Thanks DC I took some pictues of the new Swamp Gates at the McNeese game but decided not to post them because of the forced trash   at the entrances.

    Otherwise they look great and are far better than the old swing out chainlink gates.

    I meant to but forgot to take more at the Troy game.

    Geaux Cajuns

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