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Thread: Gates to the Swamp ( SwampGate Project )

  1. #157

    UL Football Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by geauxboy
    I'm not trying to be critical, but in order to put our best foot forward, the letters forming CAJUN FIELD need to be replaced or removed. IMO unless a more professional font is used, they need to be removed.
    AAA Signs has taken care of that in the past, and being that this was due to the Hurricane, insurance may be involved and cause some delay. Hopefully like the sign out front of the Cajun Athletic Complex(which was damaged/now fixed) the letters on Cajun Field will be replaced prior!!

    Good point!

    Hope to be able to count on you and any of your friends for either labor/money on the Swamp Gate Project.


  2. #158

    Default Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    The gates on the "Student Side" will be of the same material as Baseball, Softball and Tennis! In fact the WHOLE COMPLEX will be of this material eventually(Aluminum)!!

    Thanks for the reply and I hope we can count on your help!

    Cool, just wanted to make sure you weren't going to pay an arm and a leg for something that could only cost an arm.

  3. #159

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    First I want to thank "ALL" that contributed to the Swamp Gate Project, many will thank you for years to come!!

    The project cost went up drasticly and the $7,000+ raised on RaginPagin, Delphi, Alumni(hat pass), and SGA is simply not enough. However the Bricks, Granit, Circle Logos have ALL been donated to reduce the overall cost.

    What we need now is Three things:

    1) Labor to tear down the old huricane fences
    2) A brick layer that will build the collumns for trade in tickets(or raise the money to pay them)
    3) More money to pay for the iron work

    Please post any suggestions as I am tapped, two donors that were going to put money to the gateway put their money in recruiting.

    Daddy Cajun counting on "U" as you are "LOUISIANA"
    Here is hoping for one final push! We have all(most of us) donated to a project "WE" termed the Swamp Gate Project. Gerald is doing a yomans job working with the "MANY" projects he has and will do for the Louisiana Sports Complex. I took on this project SEVERAL years ago to try and complete Cajun Fields gateways and HELP Gerald with ONE project. Cajun Field looks unfinished as half of the entrances are new and beautiful and the other half used primarily by students and walk up ticket sales for both the Visitors and Cajun fans.

    Please put a bug is Geralds ear, to use the money that was ear marked for the Swamp Gate or get with us to put it on some project we can ALL agree on. Gerald is a great man, but I KNOW this project has been put on the back burners for some time now. If Gerald can get someone to do the brick work for the gates around the Complex then why not have them complete the Swamp Gates.

    1) The Bricks are donated
    2) The Circle disc are donated
    3) The Marble Capping are donated
    4) $7,000+ dollars have been donated to the cause by you good people
    5) More money is needed for a) labor to build them(could be donated) and b) Buy the Gates.

    Thanks for all you do and will do,

    ps Call Gerald and tell him you want this project DONE!!!

  4. #160

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    I am looking into getting the material for the gates direct from the factoy and save some big money. Quick story, I needed a new shredder as my "Fellows" Brand shredder had gone out within 2yrs again. So I called Fellows and got online at the same time(good eh!) I asked what level shredder I had, they replied, light duty. I wanted to upgrade so they did so since I was a Fellows customer and I was able to get a shredder that retails for $300 for $50 straight from the factory!! Maybe we could do something like this with the fence!!!


  5. Default Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    I have to admit.

    The fact that the "Swamp Gate Project" is not a done deal is rather shocking.

    Geaux Cajuns

  6. #162

    Default Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    AAA Signs has taken care of that in the past, and being that this was due to the Hurricane, insurance may be involved and cause some delay. Hopefully like the sign out front of the Cajun Athletic Complex(which was damaged/now fixed) the letters on Cajun Field will be replaced prior!!

    Good point!

    Hope to be able to count on you and any of your friends for either labor/money on the Swamp Gate Project.


    How do we go about changing the name of Cajun Field to "Louisiana Stadium"? It is time we do more to capture the name.

  7. #163

    Default Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    My money is on Cox Cajun Field...........Money talks

  8. #164

    UL Football Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58
    My money is on Cox Cajun Field...........Money talks

    Your money is big money so you could be right!!!


  9. #165

    Default Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    Your money is big money so you could be right!!!


    How about Cox Field at Louisiana Stadium?

  10. #166

    Default Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Is Cox really considering these naming rights? What about the COX CAJUNDOME!!! The city and university should seriously consider finding a sponsor for the Cajundome, this will help with funding it.

  11. #167

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Need Help Finishing the Swamp Gate Project

    Quote Originally Posted by weareLOUISIANA
    Is Cox really considering these naming rights? What about the COX CAJUNDOME!!! The city and university should seriously consider finding a sponsor for the Cajundome, this will help with funding it.
    Gerald and the University are going to attrack monies like this first to stadiums we own not ones the city and state own and or we have just part ownership in.

    I understood the Athletic complex or the indoor practice facility to be what Cox is going to sponsor the naming rights to. The announcement was to be announced back in Feb '06, but there is more involved than just the naming rights. Gerald is hoping it is done soon, so to attract other simular monies to name other facilities or fund the $20+ Million Scholarship Fund which would free up approx $1.5 Million already in the athletic budget. These freed monies could be used for many things like: coaches pay, increased budgets for ALL sports, facility enhancement, marketing, recruiting, etc!!!


    ps I told you things are getting sweet!!!!

  12. Default Re: Gates to the Swamp ( SwampGate Project )

    I'm going to be down for the game on the twenty-fifth of November and I sure hope the swamp gates are done by then. Now which ones are done the two away from Congress street?

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