When we first learned that Motorola had a round face Android Wear smart watch in the works a few months ago, it seemed like a wearable worth waiting for. As of today, the Moto 360 is officially a reality and available in the US, but the competition has started to catch up. Fortunately, Gizmag was among the first outlets to spend some hands on time with the Moto 360 at Motorola headquarters in Chicago on Thursday and I've also been able to put a review unit to good use in the real world. So far, it appears this could be the timepiece we've been waiting for since, well... since the beginning of time. .. Continue Reading The Moto 360: Hands on with the "reinvention of the modern timepiece"

Section: Wearable Electronics

Tags: Android, Android Wear, Google, Google Now, Moto 360, Motorola, Wearable, Wireless

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