PS: We started a Facebook Group: I Signed the Petition to Protect Louisiana Education!_ I mentioned that my office had been working on something big.
I don't think most people realize how large the budget cuts are to UL and higher education. Here's an idea: according to CABL, the budget cuts are larger than LSU's entire state funding for the BR campus.
It's about the same as the state funding for UL, UNO, & Tech put together.
And that's only this year. Next year, they expect to double those cuts.
I just came from a meeting of the state's SGA officers at Bourgeois Hall. We launched an on-line petition for an amendment to fix funding for education, all levels, at 105% of the Southern Region. You can see the link top middle of
Quite a few of the students signed up right there. The first student to step up was Jamey Arnette, UL SGA President, and student member of the Board of Regents.
But please, this is not a petition for UL. It's for everyone; each signer can indicate which school he/she supports.
But each time someone signs it, it will generate an email to the Governor's office, both US Senators, and based on your address, your Congressman, State Senator, and State Legislator.
There are 200K students in LA higher ed. There are about 800K college graduates in the state. If we move even a fraction of those, maybe we can finally move Louisiana forward.
Please, do two things:
1) Take a second, sign it.
2) Email a few friends about it, and ask them to forward it to their friends.
If you want to email everyone you know, fine, but please don't wait until you have time for that before you eMail a few friends. The power of this is in the message being passed on. _