Let's get something straight...your trip into the WAC only ended in a CUSA invite because you were the plumpest rat left on the sinking ship. Your budget is nowhere near where you said it would be. Your capital projects are several years behind and falling more and more behind each day. Your programs have shown the ability to crater a good season on several occasions and your overt focus on football and basketball only shows how small time you really are. You were stupid to join the WAC, and lucky there wasn't anyone left to ____ off in the WAC when it came time for the last choices to be made and they took all of your lies about where your program was heading in stride. You didn't separate...you still aren't a Doctoral 1 university and thank god USNEWS considers you a Tier 1 university because it seems like the only thing you have to hang your hat on at the moment.
You wanted more, you wanted better...and you stumbled ___ backwards into a CUSA that resembled the SBC you left to join the WAC.