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Thread: LA Tech Smack Talk

  1. #181
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: ____ ON USL!

    So ULM claims they should be ranked in baseball because they ALMOST beat us. LTUR is excited and bragging about covering the spread. I sense a common theme. I wonder what the spin will be when we beat the brakes off of them Sat?

  2. #182

    Default Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    It doesn't have the giant mudhole that is six years late. What a bunch of _____clowns.

  3. #183

    Default Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    If you go to Tech and get a divorce, are you still brother and sister?

  4. #184

    UL Football Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    It's a bowl with two endzones missing.
    Home of the blue tarp haunting! (they only come out at night)

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  5. #185

    Default Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    Hey Bluedawg you often make comments on our "tractor shed" aka new restrooms and concessions to accommodate our bowled in end zone. I see you guys prefer green space in your end zone. How special.

    I love your advertising tarps way to make a few extra bucks while hiding your empty seats.

  6. Default Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    Good try but no cigar -

    They pulled it off of an old post from BB&B where we were discussing the mistakes in the NCAA 2008 video game...

    Here is the link

  7. #187
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    There's your 15k right there.

  8. #188

    Default Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bicky Rustle View Post
    Bluedawg you often comment on our "tractor shed" aka brand new restroom and concessions to accommodate our bowled in end zone. I see you guys prefer green space in your end zone.

    By the way I like the advertising tarps way to capitalize on those empty seats.
    They are foregoing green in the endzones for an old folks home where all the blue hairs can empty their bed pans and not miss one minute of exciting 2-10 Tech Football!!! You feel that excitement? It's like the feeling you get when a catheter is rammed up your pee hole. Tech's like a catheter.

  9. Default Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    Quote Originally Posted by BayouRichard View Post
    From a friend.
    That's the one that pops up first when I google it...

  10. #190

    Default Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    Quote Originally Posted by DwayneW1 View Post
    That's the one that pops up first when I google it...
    I tried to type Joe Aillet stadium into kept asking me if I meant to look at real football stadiums. Google is fickle.

  11. Default Re: ____ ON USL!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    So ULM claims they should be ranked in baseball because they ALMOST beat us. LTUR is excited and bragging about covering the spread. I sense a common theme. I wonder what the spin will be when we beat the brakes off of them Sat?
    Shouldn't you be watching your students or something?

  12. #192

    Default Re: Bluedawg, Dewayne from Minden and other tech ?

    How about the parking lot. Looks like it holds about 100 cars. Probably still can't fill it up.

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