Originally Posted by
Apparently, for your fans... it isn't a destination either. Is being a small country town some kind of badge of honor? Of course your graduates bale out of that ____ hole, with or without a job. Who stays around Ruston? Even if you're unfortunate enough to be born there, would you stick around? I know one guy who did, because he inherited a farm and is a farmer. Other than that, who WOULD stay in Ruston?
Does it occur to you and your ignorant 12 year old partner poster that Lafayette actually has great jobs for college graduates? And, with other outstanding lifestyle opportunities, many will stay or relocate for less than living in other high cost of living cities. Only a Tech grad would brag about his job in Chicago, where he earns 10% more... and pays 25% more for ____ty living conditions. And I'm sure some BS spinner forgot to use "income versus cost of living" in that "made for Tech" survey you guys have lived on this past year.