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Thread: UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

  1. Default UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

      The University of Louisiana stands to lose millions of dollars if Governor Bobby Jindal's proposed cuts to higher education are approved.

    UL President, Dr. Joseph Savoie, says this would be the biggest budget cut to higher education in the history of the state. To protect the mission of the university, he says officials are hoping for the best but are preparing for the worst.

    Trying to close a $1.3 billion dollar drop in the state's general fund, Governor Jindal recently revealed his plan, potentially taking the biggest hit is Louisiana's higher education. $219 million dollars could be on the chopping block.

    The rest of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    Default Re: UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

    How do this year's proposed cuts to higher ed compare to last year's additions from the "surplus"?

    Not defending the cuts-they will be tough-just curious as to how the 2 compare.

  3. #3
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

    I look at these cuts as an opportunity. An opportunity to cull the ridiculous amount of 4 yr schools Louisiana has. What better time than now? Unfortunately, that will not happen and each school will shoulder ridiculous budget constraints.

  4. #4

    Default Re: UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

    Unfortunately, what I said a few weeks ago is beginning to happen. Jindal will destroy this State as he attempts to position himself for a "higher office".

    I was duped by his "fast talking" and "Higher level" education.

  5. #5

    Default Re: UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

    Quote Originally Posted by LSUalum1 View Post
    _ Unfortunately, what I said a few weeks ago is beginning to happen. Jindal will destroy this State as he attempts to position himself for a "higher office".

    I was duped by his "fast talking" and "Higher level" education. _
    Thank you for your wisdom. I'm sure we are the only state this is happening in.

  6. #6

    Track & Field Re: UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

    Quote Originally Posted by LSUalum1 View Post
    _ Unfortunately, what I said a few weeks ago is beginning to happen. Jindal will destroy this State as he attempts to position himself for a "higher office".

    I was duped by his "fast talking" and "Higher level" education. _
    What exactly is left to destroy? The offices of almost every Fortune 500 company have already left the state under the "last one out bring the flag" plan.

    Based on the corruption and third world politics that have had a stranglehold on Louisiana for 20+ years, some destruction may be necessary prior to construction of an ethical state of equitable opportunity.

    You know, it sounds a lot like where UL athletics have been over the past 20 years...

    To quote Thomas Edison..."Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." This is an opportunity...

  7. #7

    Default Re: UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

    ""Thank you for your wisdom""

    No, no wisdom here. Remember, I voted for him. More like shame.

    ""I'm sure we are the only state this is happening in.""

    Well, according to Jindal himself only a couple months ago, we were the only State that the recession wasn't affecting. Remember his commercials about how great this State was doing compared to the rest of the States. It obviously was a ploy so he could go up against Obama's speech. Well, we all saw how well that went.

    A few days later, he's talking about how this State needs to have massive cuts to balance the budget. He can't have it both ways, but he sure does try.

    BTW, which State is he in today fundraising for "re-election" to THIS State?

  8. #8

    Default Re: UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

    ""What exactly is left to destroy?""

    Good Point.

  9. #9

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: UL Prepares for Largest Cuts in History

    Quote Originally Posted by LSUalum1 View Post
    _ ""Thank you for your wisdom""

    No, no wisdom here. Remember, I voted for him. More like shame.

    ""I'm sure we are the only state this is happening in.""

    Well, according to Jindal himself only a couple months ago, we were the only State that the recession wasn't affecting. Remember his commercials about how great this State was doing compared to the rest of the States. It obviously was a ploy so he could go up against Obama's speech. Well, we all saw how well that went.

    A few days later, he's talking about how this State needs to have massive cuts to balance the budget. He can't have it both ways, but he sure does try.

    BTW, which State is he in today fundraising for "re-election" to THIS State? _
    i'm with you all the way. there's a whole lot more (negative) to this guy then meets the eye. it's amazing how some people are so quick to give certain people a free pass, or rationalize their shortcomings, while at the same time never give another politician a fair chance. i guess if you vote for someone for political office, it's difficult to admit that person is a total zero. and please, let's be somewhat leery of people who seem to be attempting to rewrite recent history.

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