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Thread: What happened to Cook?

  1. #73

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    _ That is just the tough breaks in baseball. Long got hurt and Fontenot took advantage of it. I just don't see how you can pull Fontenot at this point. _
    Not pull... put him in a position that is better for him. 2nd. I can definitely justify sitting Bostick at this point.

    Or put Long at 2nd if that makes you happier

  2. #74

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Man, did Will Long steal some of your girlfriends or something? The venom towards the guy is pretty strong.
    If the coaches think he has improved to the point that he deserves to start, I will have to asume they know what they are doing.
    i hope the guys gets healthy so the coaches have more options.

  3. #75

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    _ Man, did Will Long steal some of your girlfriends or something? The venom towards the guy is pretty strong.
    If the coaches think he has improved to the point that he deserves to start, I will have to asume they know what they are doing.
    i hope the guys gets healthy so the coaches have more options. _

  4. #76

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    I have no ill will towards Will Long, if he's gotten a lot better then great put him out there and let him shine. I'm just skeptical that he's gotten better, I'll believe it when I see it.

  5. #77

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    I know Will Long has been pretty terrible in the past.....I mean what's the point of even going on the field with a glove if you can't get to the ball to catch it! Or what's the point of going to the plate with a bat when it looks like you're blindfolded swinging at a pinata!

    All jokes aside....
    I wouldn't mind seeing the "hype" some are talking about. Let him get back and get in rhythm, then lets judge the man. It's great to have flexibility, so why not try to add another piece to the proverbial puzzle??

  6. #78

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Quote Originally Posted by J-Town Cajun View Post
    _ A. You are right that Hawkins is batting .300 but he is also struggling. He seems to out in front of the ball and often lunging for it. He has popped up and K'ed more often than he should be this year. He needs to stay back on the ball.

    B. Although Fontenot's fielding % is pretty good so far this season he seems very shaky fielding the ball (bobbling it) and he has a very weak arm which a stronger arm may make a few more plays throughout the year. Regardless we need a 3rd middle infielder so we can pinch-hit or in case of injuries.

    C. I agree you put the best team on the field and not play players who earned respect. That is why I say play Hawkins at DH. _
    you must not be watching the same game i am because he doesn't bobble every ball or look shaky,keep in mind fontenot has a greater upside then long because of his age,the diving play he made against little rock friday nite was a big time play that long could have never made.

  7. #79

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    _ Man, did Will Long steal some of your girlfriends or something? The venom towards the guy is pretty strong.
    If the coaches think he has improved to the point that he deserves to start, I will have to asume they know what they are doing.
    i hope the guys gets healthy so the coaches have more options. _
    I agree, I didn't like longs play last year, but then again, Fontenot didn't do much to impress last year either and he really has turned it around. What I'd do is test Long out in some midweek games, if his game really has improved he should be able to prove it in some action during the week. If his fielding is decent and hits over .250 then you can start giving him some situational starts due to his ability to switch hit.

  8. #80

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    just a little info last year will long turned 17 double plays in 52 games, and after 21 games fontenot has turned 12 already.

  9. Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    when is long scheduled to be back--I sure seems that he has been out for a LONG time!!!!!!!

  10. #82

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    absolutely terrible pun haha

  11. #83

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ when is long scheduled to be back--I sure seems that he has been out for a LONG time!!!!!!! _
    This weekend, per the coach.

  12. #84

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Quote Originally Posted by TuffGuy84 View Post
    _ Not true, Cockrell started 4 games and even had 1 complete game in 2005. Its even listed in the final stats for the year

    If I remember, we tried him out as a starter against UNO and used him a few more times that year. _
    Never said that he did not pitch...I dont think he made a weekend start? Maybe a mid week?

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