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Thread: What happened to Cook?

  1. #1

    Default What happened to Cook?

    I knew that Osborne was being lifted in favor of Fusilier on Friday night, but what happened to Michael Cook on saturday?

    Is robe moving him to a different day, bullpen, or is he injured?

  2. #2

    Default Re: what happened to cook?

    I think it comes down to him not pitching well enough to be one of our top 3 starters. His ERA was even worse than Osborn's. Haagen didn't do well in his start so I don't know if we'll see him starting on the weekend again.

  3. #3

    Default Re: what happened to cook?

    I figured it was something like that, but I just hadn't heard. I'd have thought that cook would have a little longer leash due to the fact that he was able to show last season that he could be an effective weekend starter, Osborne had yet to really prove anything. I think Broussard stepped up and took control of a midweek spot though. The question to me becomes who to put as the saturday starter, Cook or Osborne and who goes into the pen.

  4. #4

    Default Re: what happened to cook?

    Some guys work better out of the pen than others. Osborne was great out of the bullpen, we don't know if Cook would do the same. Maybe Haagen would be better if given another chance, I think he might be best suited a late innings guy..nothing wrong with that, those guys are extremely valuable.

  5. #5

    Default Re: what happened to cook?

    Quote Originally Posted by raginsaints View Post
    _ Some guys work better out of the pen than others. Osborne was great out of the bullpen, we don't know if Cook would do the same. Maybe Haagen would be better if given another chance, I think he might be best suited a late innings guy..nothing wrong with that, those guys are extremely valuable. _
    Frankly, I'm against Haagan as a starter because he's a late inning say he's valuable in that role is a VAST understatement. Osborne looked outstanding out of the pen, but he hasn't been all bad this year, he has 2 good starts this year as well. I am starting to become more confident in our pitching staff as a whole as opposed to a few very good individual pitchers.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    I got an idea...if Broussard throws well on Tuesday, lets make him the Sunday starter and move Wilborn to Saturday. We could use Cook in Mid-Week games until he gets out of this little funk he is in.

  7. #7

    UL Baseball Re: what happened to cook?

    Quote Originally Posted by TuffGuy84 View Post
    _ Frankly, I'm against Haagan as a starter because he's a late inning say he's valuable in that role is a VAST understatement. Osborne looked outstanding out of the pen, but he hasn't been all bad this year, he has 2 good starts this year as well. I am starting to become more confident in our pitching staff as a whole as opposed to a few very good individual pitchers. _
    Osborne's first start against Nebraska was a good one, NO OFFENSE lead to his loss, 2-1 if I remember. He sure looked good Saturday.


  8. #8

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Nebraska prolly hadn't been outside since the summer! Lets not use that weekend to compare how good our pitchers are. It was basically Nebraskas first time to see live pitching!

  9. #9

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    I honestly expected to see Cook at some point, but I was still happy with our pitchers, for the most part.

    Midweek 1: Broussard (has to do it again since he only has 1 start, but UH will get shut down tomorrow)
    Midweek 2: Cook (???)

    Friday: Fuselier
    Saturday: Osbourne
    Sunday: Wilborn

    Other options: Haagen and Wascom

    Its difficult to set a staff right now because you want to get all of these guys chances, but Cook will have to float around as a reliever otherwise, you pull Broussard back to the pen like last year and give Cook the Tuesday start. Either one would be valuable to get a lot of innings if one of our starters has a bad start to a game and we need someone for 5 or 6 innings.

    I think our boys are starting to come around. Osbourne came out with a fire lit under him probably due to not getting a weekend start.

    Also, I think Bulliard needs some more innings. He got some bad luck in his 2 appearances to get to 0-2, but his ERA is one of the best and opponents were batting .190.

    Bullpen (in some order that can be mixed up):
    Cook or Broussard
    Haagen (closer for now)
    Robichaux (back to closer once he has his stuff)

  10. #10
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun2bag View Post
    _ I got an idea...if Broussard throws well on Tuesday, lets make him the Sunday starter and move Wilborn to Saturday. We could use Cook in Mid-Week games until he gets out of this little funk he is in. _
    I'm going to be cautiously optimistic with Broussard. He's never shown that he can put two good outings together. Last year, he looked great against the SLC teams, but not so hot in Conference and in other mid-week appearances. Obviously he could have gotten a lot better since then, so we'll see. And, this game that Robe is playing with them now, i.e. not telling them who'll start until the day before, might do Broussard and the others, like Cook, a lot of good. This might be why I think there's a chance you might see Cook start tomorrow night. He's keeping them on their toe's, which is keeping them hungry, and the only one it hasn't worked for yet was Haagen, but that was his first D-1 start, so he'll get a pass from me.

    Cook's problem could have been due to him pressing because of a lack of run support, or perhaps a little over-confidence or big head due to being the only returning starter, or maybe both. But, he's shown that he's got a lot of promise, and if he regroups and finds that fire again from having to compete to get his job back, then you'll probably see the Mike Cook that we expect to see.

  11. #11

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    I agree with you rhineaux!

    Cook is going to have to log innings for this team to be successful.

  12. #12

    Default Re: What happened to Cook?

    Definitely. Mike Cook on his game is arguably our best starter.

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