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Thread: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

  1. #1

    Default 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    Wanted to let you all know that there will be a jambalaya cookoff on April 4, 2009 Cajun Field before and during the home baseball game with Middle Tennessee. The event is to help raise money for the Jim Marks Endowed Scholarship Fund. This scholarship is for any student who is in remission or fighting cancer. The Scholarship was created in memory of Jim Marks, a student who was diagnosed with leukemia while enrolled at UL. While in remission, Jim had to drop out of school to work in the oil field to pay-off his medical bills. Unfortunately, the cancer came back to took his life in 2007. This scholarship was created so that other students fighting cancer can finish school, as Jim wanted to. Jim was member of SAE fraternity, the active chapter, along with alumni, work together to put on this cook-off to help raise money for the scholarship.

    We are asking for donations, sponsors, and teams to help make this event a success. Entry fee is $50 (team of 4 individuals), and registrations are due by April 3rd. Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers. For more information, please contact one of the following gentlemen:
    Brian -
    Travis -

    I have attached the Contestant Registration Form.

    Go Cajuns!

  2. #2

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    hope to have travis on show next wednesday to talk more of this fine event

  3. #3

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    I'm definitely not trying to be a pest............but why would they make this a "dry" event. I understand it's for a charitable cause but this is Lafayette, Louisiana....people absolutely love to have a few beers while they cook! Also, this cookoff is on Saturday, April 4, which happens to be a home baseball game.....lots of tailgaiting and drinking.

    I hope this doesn't turn some of the younger crowd and tailgating crowd away from entering...

  4. #4

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    can't answer your question.. not sure why

    although, i'll share a short story that paints a picture (smiles) :

    once upon a time, i went to a college in a parish (lincoln) that at the time was a "dry" parish.. so as one may guess.. i never drank in college.. (wink)

  5. #5

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    Quote Originally Posted by snote View Post
    _ can't answer your question.. not sure why

    although, i'll share a short story that paints a picture (smiles) :

    once upon a time, i went to a college in a parish (lincoln) that at the time was a "dry" parish.. so as one may guess.. i never drank in college.. (wink)

    If you never drank in college then bears must not crap in the woods! (wink wink).

    Is junior going to try playing college football anywhere?

  6. #6

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    Quote Originally Posted by rgncjn12 View Post
    Rykman, If you never drank in college then bears must not crap in the woods! (wink wink). Is junior going to try playing college football anywhere?
    grinning as i type the moral of my story.... that it is probably a way if someone brought, let's say a plastic cup, to sip something ,they consider to be refreshing for" brunch" as one cooked .. i suggest orange juice

    yes, young william has plans to see if he can grow into his "potential"

  7. #7

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    This is a great cause. I went to HS with Jim, sat behind him in Geometry. Had a couple of classes together at UL also. Jim was a great guy. Sadly I'll be out of town Sunday the 4th, but will be donating.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    It is my understanding that their meaning of "dry event" is that there won't be any sold there, not necessarily that you cannot have it. I definitely plan on having some BEvERages while I cook. I will check and let you know for sure.

  9. #9

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunStros View Post
    . Sadly I'll be out of town Sunday the 4th, but will be donating.
    thanks for donating and guessing you probably out the whole weekend, although did want to alert you that the 4th is a saturday if the event it wasn't just a "typo" error..

    ps. is the 4th not the day of the spring football game also??

  10. #10

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    Quote Originally Posted by snote View Post
    can't answer your question.. not sure why

    although, i'll share a short story that paints a picture (smiles) :

    once upon a time, i went to a college in a parish (lincoln) that at the time was a "dry" parish.. so as one may guess.. i never drank in college.. (wink)

  11. #11

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    About the whole drinking during the cookoff....the deans at UL are making us follow or risk management to a t on the cook-off. Our nationals will not allow us to serve any alcoholic beverages at the event, which is why it is a "dry" event. However, our alumni will have a tent set up OUTSIDE the cookoff and will be selling beer.

    Brian Olivier
    Philanthropy Chair
    LA Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon

  12. #12

    Default Re: 2nd Annual JIMbalaya Cookoff

    In conjunction with this event, Cajun Tails Tailgating is hosting the
    Cajun Karl Cooking Show ! Karl Breaux will be preparing jambalaya
    for the Cameras and serving to Cajun Tails members. So, it should make for
    an interesting day.
    There will also be a special announcement on The Sportsnote Radio show
    next Wednesday about another Contest going on at the same time. A
    nice prize will be awarded to the Winner, so tune in ..

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