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Thread: Google Accuses Microsoft Of Making Misleading Statements To The Market Regarding Win-backs From

  1. Default Google Accuses Microsoft Of Making Misleading Statements To The Market Regarding Win-backs From

    At Worldwide Partner Conference this year, Microsoft claimed that 785 customers have switched from Google Apps to Office 365 in the past 18 months. Microsoft highlighted this stat to show that they are winning back customers from Google. Google recently responded to these claims that 5,000+ companies sign up for Google Apps every day and that “thousands of those customers switch from Microsoft”. In fact, they responded to Microsoft’s slide with the following detailed statement, Google’s claims regarding the above slide from Microsoft, Smithfield: Smithfield is definitely still using Google Apps – they just renewed in March 2014. City of Edmonton: The City of Edmonton is definitely still using Google Apps. In fact, the CIO recently declared that they are staying with Google Apps after an exhaustive analysis by IBM and Deloitte University of Colorado Health: The University of Colorado Health — the teaching hospital for the University of Colorado Denver — was never on Apps. They had a few accounts provisioned but they have never paid for Apps. The...

    The rest of the story...
    Microsoft News

  2. Default Re: Google Accuses Microsoft Of Making Misleading Statements To The Market Regarding Win-backs

    They switch to Google Docs from Microsoft Office not knowing what they are getting.

    They switch back to Microsoft knowing both sides of the equation.

  3. Default Microsoft and Google's latest fight is over which company is stealing the most customers

    The rest of the story

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