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Thread: From Matt Deggs (2014)

  1. #1

    UL Baseball From Matt Deggs (2014)

    Coach Deggs asked me to share the following thank you letter from him. I have copied the contents of the letter in this posted but I have also attached his original letter.

    This is way overdue... but I just wanted to take this time to say: Thank You from the bottom
    of my heart to all of the faithful Ragin' Cajuns that allowed me and my family to share in this
    amazing (2) year journey with you.

    We have been Blessed with an amazing opportunity now at Sam Houston State University and
    are so thankful for it... but none of this would have been possible without all of the tireless work,
    Passion & dedication of some very Incredible people.

    The Players: One of the most loyal, hardworking, faithful group of young men I have ever had
    the pleasure of coaching. The word "quit" is not in their vocabulary! This group was never out of the
    fight, always stuck together so selflessly and loved each other more than you could imagine. I
    respect these guys! I will love them forever... I learned so much from them. I leave here with a full
    heart because of them!

    The coaches, staff, support staff: So many to name! All are incredibly selfless, tireless workers
    that were all just dedicated to doing whatever it took to get the job done... what an incredible
    collection of people that sacrificed so much for this TEAM... I will never forget them!

    Coach Anthony Babineaux: A great friend who I will miss very much. "Bab" is a true
    professional that does so much for not only Cajun Baseball but UL as well. The Cajuns are very
    fortunate to have Bab... his knowledge is incredible, he is an unbelievable worker & coach... he
    does so much that is never seen & all because he loves UL with all his heart.

    Coach Tony Robichaux: Started off as my boss but wound up being so much more than that.
    Leader, Mentor, Confidant, Great Friend...that was Coach Robe. Coach Robe is truly one of the best
    coaches in the country and without a doubt one of the finest leaders of men that I have ever had the
    pleasure of being around. I was so very fortunate and Blessed to have served under Coach Robe.
    Now its Jeremy Talbot's opportunity & I couldn't be happier for someone. Trust me when I say this:
    "JT" is a master at his craft... a Passionate worker, who is one of the best in the country at what he

    The Fans, Supporters, Parents, UL, & Lafayette Community: What a special place! Thank
    You for welcoming us, loving us & always supporting us! We will never forget you, we are Blessed
    to have been a part of this with you! The Cajun Culture has changed me and changed my family in
    ways that I could never explain... we are leaving here better people and a better family for having
    been here and a part of this. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

    God Bless The Ragin' Cajuns & Keep Grinding!

    Matt Deggs
    Matthew 19:26
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    Good luck coach...

  3. #3

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    Thank you and good luck Mr. Deggs

  4. #4

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    Thanks Coach. Good Luck at Sam!

  5. #5

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    I'm disappointed that he left because he's such a great coach but you can't blame him at all for doing so. He's going to head up a very good program in his home state. Good luck, Coach...except for when you play the Cajuns.

  6. #6

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    Damn. Tremendous words from a great coach and great man. Glad you were here for a while, Coach. Always a Cajun!!

  7. #7
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    This is a special place. Thanks Coach Deggs!

  8. #8

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    Best of luck to him. I'll be loosely following his efforts building that program, and will be rooting for him. Wish we could have held onto him for longer. Hopefully Talbot picks up where Deggs left off and we never skip a beat.

  9. #9

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    Quote Originally Posted by raginsaints View Post
    I'm disappointed that he left because he's such a great coach but you can't blame him at all for doing so. He's going to head up a very good program in his home state. Good luck, Coach...except for when you play the Cajuns.
    I hope we get to schedule some games with them in the future. It would be fun and competitive.

  10. #10

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    Thanks, Coach Deggs. I keep hoping to run into him on one of my jaunts to Huntsville to say that in person.

  11. #11

    Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    Thanks to Coach Deggs. He is definitely leaving some big shoes to fill.

  12. Default Re: From Matt Deggs

    Quote Originally Posted by GreatestStory View Post
    Thanks to Coach Deggs. He is definitely leaving some big shoes to fill.
    ---Yes but notice the comments about coach JT---Everything that I have heard has been great---so let's keep her rolling!!! Deggs will go down as one of the greatest assistant coaches in any sport in the history of UL!!!

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