At gamescom 2014, 2K Games announced that Evolve’s Xbox One exclusive beta will become available in January 2015,_and the game will be on sale on_February 10. Also,_Turtle Rock Studios gave a sneak peak into_Evolve’s unique 4v1 hunt gameplay on a brand new map: Distillery. This new environment features the eponymous metallic structure set in a familiar-yet-alien forest teeming with wildlife. A river runs through it, complete with a towering waterfall and plenty of opportunities for platforming on the islands in current. As one might expect at a distillery, our team of hunters quickly found some hops – though these weren’t of the brewers’ variety. After one of my teammates finished off some of the aggressive local fauna, those of us who happened by the creature’s remains were awarded with a significant perk: 400% greater jump height. This bonus was helpful in keeping up with our flying kraken quarry, as we leapt our way through some very vertical parts of the map. Read more about it at Xbox Wire.
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