If you hate the ads on Xbox dashboard, then you must know that Allen Murray is the person who was responsible for starting this concept of ads on Xbox. Nowadays, the Xbox dashboard is_full of_‘ads’, i.e., links promoting content and apps in the Xbox ecosystem. This idea came up for Allen a decade ago when he joined Microsoft from Amazon. Initially, his idea was not supported by his seniors at Microsoft as they rejected his idea saying that gamers will hate ads. Even though they are not really the usual ads,_his choice of language, using terms like ‘advertising’ and ‘banner ads’ that conveyed a different tone among others. But Major Nelson supported his idea and took it to_Xbox Live Arcade team_for designing the Banner Of The Day (BOTD) system that they would use to schedule the ads. Nowadays the Xbox One UI is nearly all ‘ads’, i.e., links promoting content and apps in the Xbox ecosystem. So it’s nice to see that the idea caught on and if you hate...

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