The games with social aspect integrated into them are now becoming popular. It allows them to enjoy the game with their friends, allow them to meet new people in competitive multiplayer, or just chatting in a pre-game lobby and more. At Gamescom, Microsoft demoed the above the video which shows how the development teams at Playground Games and Turn 10 Studios have been hard at work to make sure that Forza Horizon 2 will be the most social racing game ever made. The key for the team was to ensure everyone’s game feels connected, even when you’re not in multiplayer. For instance, when you’re in your solo campaign, you’ll see your friends’ Drivatars cruising around the world, practically daring you to challenge their best times. This is made even easier thanks to the fact that you’ll be presented with friend comparisons for nearly everything you do in-game. Coolest of all, your friends don’t even need to be online for you to take them on, as asynchronous Rivals challenges let you...

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Microsoft News