lets mark the hottest team in the country because they blew out Lehigh (who is this), and beat a BAD South AL team. I mean why wouldn't we tab another unbeaten LSU for instance they have played national powerhouses such as: Villanova, Central Florida, and Southern?
Maybe we could even target team like Kent State: They swept a big time power and are still undefeated they beat Wagner 3 times this week, now that is hot.
The moral of the story is Southern Miss has not played a tough schedule to this point. Sure they look hot against the competition that they are playing. Lets look at a team you could consider hot or a team that is on a roll. For instance, Rice this past week.....They beat #6 Baylor #1 Texas A&M #9 UCLA and a good Houston team...put the "hottest team in the country (Southern Miss) in those 4 games and I would imagine that wouldn't be saying they are the hottest team in the country.....People are so quick to jump to conclusions you need to look at the caliber of teams that they are playing.