Intel today revealed more information on its microarchitecture of the Intel Core M processor, the first product to be manufactured using 14nm. Intel’s_new microarchitecture and manufacturing process will enable a wave of innovation in new form factors, experiences and systems that are thinner and run silent and cool. Intel even showed off a prototype of just 7.2mm thickness. Intel architects and chip designers have achieved greater than two times reduction in the thermal design point when compared to a previous generation of processor while providing similar performance and improved battery life. The new microarchitecture was optimized to take advantage of the new capabilities of the 14nm manufacturing process. Intel has delivered the world’s first 14nm technology in volume production. It uses second-generation Tri-gate (FinFET) transistors with industry-leading performance, power, density and cost per transistor. Intel’s 14nm technology will be used to manufacture a wide range of high-performance to low-power products including servers, personal computing devices and Internet of Things. The first systems based on the Intel Core M processor will...

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