For those of you complaining about the hitting so far this season, check out these batting averages.
.500 Fuselier (Freshman)
.400 Fontenot
.381 Keefer
.333 Griffen (I agree, no clutch hitting yet)
.304 Smith (Freshman)
.300 Hawkins
.278 Whipple
.227 Bostick
.158 Harst (9 stikeouts)
.000 Hicks
.000 Guillory (7 stikeouts)
.000 Bowman (leadoff hitter, 5 walks and puts the ball in play)
.000 Benzel (only 1 AB)
.000 Masch (2 BB; 1 Sac; only 1 recorded AB)
.000 Olasin (0 AB)
The team will be fine once the mid-week pitching comes around. Bowman's shots will start falling and one of these days Griffen will get a clutch hit. Just give it time. Southeastern is a team like the Cajuns used to be. A scrappy team that can beat anybody on any given day.