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Thread: Tail Gate Spot Parking Policy (merged)

  1. #373

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    Are you planning to expand your tailgating spread to the 3 spots? Or are you just going to hold your spot hostage out of spite? I'm all for paying for and using your 3 spots, but if you are going to keep other fans from being able to tailgate just to prove a point, you are part of the problem.
    We are Cajuns...we don't like to be told what to do. I had a great uncle who once purposefully let a piece of land grow wild and out of control...just because his brother wanted it. Only to sell it to his son once he passed away. We are a stubborn people...and if Georgia Southern alums can't wrap their forced smiles around how we are as a people...maybe they don't belong here. We don't like to be nickel and dime'd and pushed around. If they want to stop something say 100% up front that the reason people are being forced to park their cars in the gravel lot instead of their spot. Start a dialogue and maybe some middle ground can be made. This seems more like a decree handed down from some royal throne...the last time that happened we ended up here.

  2. #374

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    I have no problem with people paying for their spot and leaving it empty, but if you want to park your car, it will be $250 like everybody else. When the spots keep going up, will people pay a $1000 to keep it empty? I doubt it, they may not get rid of it but they will sublet it to someone who will tailgate in it. Then those people will join rcaf. Eventually we have a whole field full of tailgates and people cutting checks.

  3. #375

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    Thank You Louisiana Admin. for creating this mess.
    And the dugie vs dugie voilence?

    I don't understand internet arguments.. seems like no one ever wins. I'll be out early for the southern game tailgating and having adult beverages.

    Whats on the menu fells?

  4. #376

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Just to point out something that hasn't been said thus far. The people who made this decision are the same people that contracted out security to a private company, that for the most part is useless and has not clue about large scale events. (Just check out those fine temporary employees)

    These are the same people (Gameday staff) that decided to not allow diaper bags, chewing gum, etc, without putting out an announcement in 2012. How quickly we forget.

    To think that anything they do makes sense would be giving them way too much credit, trust me I have met with them in person about some of these issues.

  5. #377

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by waterboy View Post
    Just to point out something that hasn't been said thus far. The people who made this decision are the same people that contracted out security to a private company, that for the most part is useless and has not clue about large scale events. (Just check out those fine temporary employees)

    These are the same people (Gameday staff) that decided to not allow diaper bags, chewing gum, etc, without putting out an announcement in 2012. How quickly we forget.

    To think that anything they do makes sense would be giving them way too much credit, trust me I have met with them in person about some of these issues.
    Thank you...

  6. #378
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    The cost of beverages and food has also gone up for all spongers as well this season. Well, unless you can impress with a different thong this season. But Zee said you kind of let yourself go, so the cost for admission to the Eaux will be higher for you this season! LOL!!!!!
    I didn't "let myself geaux"! I'm just experiencing some swelling. I'm swoled up. The thongs still fit. The fabric stretches. I may not be the first choice to go home with at the end of the evening... but I'm still not the last!!! As a matter of fact, you guys should be feeding me food and beverages for free! Besides the tree itself, I'm the Eauk eye candy. Every time I bend over to get another "free" beer from the cooler, I glance back and everyone is trying to see if my floss shifted.

    I'm still the stuff of unspoken fantasies... and you all know it!!!

  7. #379

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun08 View Post
    At the end of the day, this parking in the tailgate area will become a non issue. Here is what is going to happen. People ______ing will pony up and pay the $250 to get a pass. They will walk an extra 50 yards at most to and from their tailgate spot. People will find a way to load up the valuables before they go into the game. Then they will leave right after the game ends. That will become the norm & people will find other things to ______ about on Ragin Pagin.
    Just to bring this back up. Because this will be the process. For all our issues about the rule changes, communication, etc., what's done is done and the sooner we start making the adjustment, the sooner it's no longer a sore spot.

  8. #380

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I didn't "let myself geaux"! I'm just experiencing some swelling. I'm swoled up. The thongs still fit. The fabric stretches. I may not be the first choice to go home with at the end of the evening... but I'm still not the last!!! As a matter of fact, you guys should be feeding me food and beverages for free! Besides the tree itself, I'm the Eauk eye candy. Every time I bend over to get another "free" beer from the cooler, I glance back and everyone is trying to see if my floss shifted.

    I'm still the stuff of unspoken fantasies... and you all know it!!!

  9. #381

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    Are you planning to expand your tailgating spread to the 3 spots? Or are you just going to hold your spot hostage out of spite? I'm all for paying for and using your 3 spots, but if you are going to keep other fans from being able to tailgate just to prove a point, you are part of the problem.
    Your excusing and approving of these dictatorial tactics by the Admin. means you're part of the problem.

    Our tailgating has always been a family affair. We are small potatoes. We look at our tailgating as a special family built tradition, but I am not going to risk injury to my family members or risk an auto accident fighting the insanity that will occur for pick-up because of these regulations.

    So, I think we'll bite the bullet like a few other people have done and get some Corporate sponsorship, I. E. big company tents that we don't have to unload or pick up. As for my now empty space, I think we'll use that to grow a couple of Satsuma trees. I love Satsumas in the late fall.

  10. #382

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    They can force us to park elsewhere, but no one will give up any TG spots as a result.
    How can you possibly know that "no one will give up any TG spots"? There is no way you can predict this.

    You might not give up your spot, but I have already had a couple people offer to trade me their tailgating spot for 3 parking passes. You want to guess why? Because they were using their tailgating spot to park cars and now they can't do that. So yeah, some people will be giving up their spots, especially if they go up on price next year.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    Are you planning to expand your tailgating spread to the 3 spots? Or are you just going to hold your spot hostage out of spite? I'm all for paying for and using your 3 spots, but if you are going to keep other fans from being able to tailgate just to prove a point, you are part of the problem.
    We went over this yesterday. His answer was, "Why is it your business to decide how many TG spots I need to TG? It's none of your business."

  11. #383

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    Your excusing and approving of these dictatorial tactics by the Admin. means you're part of the problem.

    Our tailgating has always been a family affair. We are small potatoes. We look at our tailgating as a special family built tradition, but I am not going to risk injury to my family members or risk an auto accident fighting the insanity that will occur for pick-up because of these regulations.

    So, I think we'll bite the bullet like a few other people have done and get some Corporate sponsorship, I. E. big company tents that we don't have to unload or pick up. As for my now empty space, I think we'll use that to grow a couple of Satsuma trees. I love Satsumas in the late fall.

  12. #384

    Default No Parking Problems for Others

    Out of curiosity, I just took a look at the message boards of 3 or 4 other schools of interest around the State, and not a single one of them are discussing any parking problems for their games! They apparently have an abundance of available parking available for their people. UL's situation is certainly much different than the others (in a very good way)!

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