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Thread: Tail Gate Spot Parking Policy (merged)

  1. #265


    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUNSMOKE View Post
    So, What is being said is that when you get a tailgating spot, you get 2 tailgating parking passes. Those passes are to let the cars in to unload gear and then the cars must go park behind the hilton gardens until deemed safe to reenter to get your stuff, unless you donate atleast $250 to RCAF and then you can park in the gravel lots right next to the tailgating areas? Correct? I know all my crew donate to RCAF. All have season tickets, so all park near our tailgating area. Im not seeing the big deal here. I honestly thought you already had to donate to RCAF before you could get a tailgating area? I pay my 250 for my parking spot, and I put in for my tailgating crew for the tailgating spot we have. Is that not what they are asking everyone else to do?
    From what I understand a 250 rcaf is now required for TG spot. So at least 1 person should have a D pass making it easier to get to your spot post game. If you don't want to wait to get back on from Hilton, pay 250 and get your own D lot pass. It's pretty much the cost of convenience is going up. With a long waiting list of people willing to pay for that convenience it should go up.

  2. #266

    Default Re: Question for those who don't tailgate.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    And you don't have to worry about carrying anything, smart.
    My group is small. Me.
    Like to visit and try not to impose.

  3. #267

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    I thought it as said you could park your tailgating trailers in your spot?

  4. #268

    Default Re: Question for those who don't tailgate.

    Well last year my non-tailgating routine went something like this:

    1. INTEND to study for a tax exam.
    2. Sit on the couch with my textbook and turn the TV on one game and pull up a Belt game on ESPN3.
    3. Watch the games and occasionally glance at the textbook sitting next to me on the couch (maybe even read half a sentence in a moment of intense focus).
    4. Start being honest with myself and realize that this is absolutely pointless.
    5. Say ____ it and leave for Cajun Field to go tailgate about 5 hours earlier than I originally intended.

  5. #269

    Default Re: Soltion to parking problem at Cajun Field....

    Just for some clarity the parking pass that comes with our tailgate spot will be useless because there is no more general parking, yes I do get one with my RCAF membership just asking for some clarity.

  6. #270


    Quote Originally Posted by anhil8tor View Post
    I thought it as said you could park your tailgating trailers in your spot?
    I get the feeling people are confusing TG trailers with pull campers. Could be wrong bit if you can't have a TG trailer them you couldn't have a cook trailer. I would think as long as they are unhooked and fit in your spot it would be ok.

  7. #271

    Default Re: Tail Gate Spot Parking Policy

    some people live out of town and a trip to a game is a full weekend trip, some people have children that have other sports that take up weekends, not all people can make every game, but some of us have been making games for 20+ years even when the stadium was almost empty, I even arranged leave and flew from Central America one year to make a UL game, so to suggest that fans that can't make all of the games are less of fans is being just a total _______. And if you think trekking across a busy highway with children and everything needed for young childen is easy then you are delusional and yes the grass field is a swamp after it rains Ive seen cars stuck in there before, it is extremely dark after a game and the security is non existent across the road, so concerns for safety are very real

  8. #272


    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    some people live out of town and a trip to a game is a full weekend trip, some people have children that have other sports that take up weekends, not all people can make every game, but some of us have been making games for 20+ years even when the stadium was almost empty, I even arranged leave and flew from Central America one year to make a UL game, so to suggest that fans that can't make all of the games are less of fans is being just a total _______. And if you think trekking across a busy highway with children and everything needed for young childen is easy then you are delusional and yes the grass field is a swamp after it rains Ive seen cars stuck in there before, it is extremely dark after a game and the security is non existent across the road, so concerns for safety are very real
    So what do you suggest?

  9. #273

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by GreatestStory View Post
    Forcing us to park vehicles elsewhere will NOT free up TG spots for people on the waiting list.

    We aren't giving them up.

    Why is it your business to decide how many TG spots I need to TG? It's none of your business.

    All you are doing by forcing us to park in the other zones is push the same amount of vehicles further down the line, not closer to the stadium.

    As I said before there was no "problem" here. We were following TG policy to the letter of the law. If the Admin. thought we were "stealing" parking passes, then charge us for them. "Problem" solved.

  10. #274

    Default Re: Tail Gate Spot Parking Policy

    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    some people live out of town and a trip to a game is a full weekend trip, some people have children that have other sports that take up weekends, not all people can make every game, but some of us have been making games for 20+ years even when the stadium was almost empty, I even arranged leave and flew from Central America one year to make a UL game, so to suggest that fans that can't make all of the games are less of fans is being just a total _______. And if you think trekking across a busy highway with children and everything needed for young childen is easy then you are delusional and yes the grass field is a swamp after it rains Ive seen cars stuck in there before, it is extremely dark after a game and the security is non existent across the road, so concerns for safety are very real
    Bill, our concerns do not matter.

    Nothing makes sense with this decision.

  11. #275

    Default Re: Tail Gate Spot Parking Policy

    park people near barn C, no major throughway and a walk under to avoid traffic that lot is gravel, better lit all the way to the stadium and much less traffic. Money is great but dead fans does nothing for the program.

  12. #276

    Default Re: UL Creates unsafe situation

    Quote Originally Posted by anhil8tor View Post
    I thought it as said you could park your tailgating trailers in your spot?
    I posted earlier regarding this. Here is a screenshot from Ragin Cajun Athletics:
    Attached Images Attached Images  

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