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Thread: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

  1. #37

    Track & Field Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Everyone form a circle, please vigorously pat the fellow in front of you on the back with your left hand as you praise him for being the ultimate UL fan, but be sure to firmly maintain a grip on your wallet at all times with your right hand...

    At some point in time, someone has to simply start doing what is right, without regard to the past. It's hard! UL fans have an opportunity to be part of a football program that is ranked in the top 25.

    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
    Thomas A. Edison

    This is not unlike a kid making it out of the ghetto, going to Med school and becoming a doctor. It's hard! It is so difficult to believe that his effort will actually pay off if he does what it takes, because there is no guarantee...and as he looks around him and into the past everything confirms that it will never happen. Someone somewhere along his path, probably instilled something in him that convinced him to just start doing what was right, today. He began to believe that good things would happen and his hard work would pay off or that he was simply going to be all about doing the right things, period.

    I would like to submit my own personal slogan for consideration to be used by the RCAF in an effort to bring this program to the highest level possible...


    Some folks have already stepped up to the plate and have been the reason that some wonderful things have happened and yet more wonderful things are on the way. Let's allow their efforts to do the right thing to BE THE REASON we believe good things will happen if we do the right thing. Let's BE THE REASON others jump on board and get this program to where it can opposed to being the guy that looks around him and into the past to confirm that it will never happen.

    This message was approved by the GOYADS society for the betterment of tea and crumpets.(Get Off Your Ass and Do Something)

  2. #38

    Default Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by drumroll View Post
    _ Everyone form a circle, please vigorously pat the fellow in front of you on the back with your left hand as you praise him for being the ultimate UL fan, but be sure to firmly maintain a grip on your wallet at all times with your right hand...

    At some point in time, someone has to simply start doing what is right, without regard to the past. It's hard! UL fans have an opportunity to be part of a football program that is ranked in the top 25.

    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
    Thomas A. Edison

    This is not unlike a kid making it out of the ghetto, going to Med school and becoming a doctor. It's hard! It is so difficult to believe that his effort will actually pay off if he does what it takes, because there is no guarantee...and as he looks around him and into the past everything confirms that it will never happen. Someone somewhere along his path, probably instilled something in him that convinced him to just start doing what was right, today. He began to believe that good things would happen and his hard work would pay off or that he was simply going to be all about doing the right things, period.

    I would like to submit my own personal slogan for consideration to be used by the RCAF in an effort to bring this program to the highest level possible...


    Some folks have already stepped up to the plate and have been the reason that some wonderful things have happened and yet more wonderful things are on the way. Let's allow their efforts to do the right thing to BE THE REASON we believe good things will happen if we do the right thing. Let's BE THE REASON others jump on board and get this program to where it can opposed to being the guy that looks around him and into the past to confirm that it will never happen.

    This message was approved by the GOYADS society for the betterment of tea and crumpets.(Get Off Your Ass and Do Something) _

    I like your message and your slogan. BUT, UL has got to "GIVE US A REASON" to support it. So far, it is business as usual. It is time to put out a message, a PLAN, on where UL is, where it is going, and how it plans to get there. Get people excited. INFORM people. EXCITE people. Then, we can have a reason to BE THE REASON. It is time for this transformation to take place. The only holdup is UL.

  3. #39
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by drumroll View Post
    Let's BE THE REASON others jump on board and get this program to where it can opposed to being the guy that looks around him and into the past to confirm that it will never happen.
    Drumroll, I understand your sermon to those of us on this website. Squeeze these turnips with everything you can... but these turnips are already in play... and they are 1/100 of 1% of the fans. Do you think everyone in the fan ranks was lame before? Do you think everyone who wanted success desperately back in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and the first part of the 21st century were all just bad fans? That is a major league "you had better never say it!" That is an absolute lie. And if fans were the key... that key wored out the tumblers and got us nothing.

    If we want something better, we have got to stop banging the same old gong. You may think this is "the year"... "just step it up fans"... that is a can of nonsense. The only people that have access to the buttons, switches and handles that make the engines roar are our administrators.

    About the time we get them in the corner, some kind-hearted knucklehead comes along and relieves them of the tension. THAT is our greatest problem. Knuckleheads who take the stress off our administration. They are good people, with good intentions. But, they are ruining our opportunity for real improvement. Stress out the admin until they put a permanently incredible private system in place. THEN, you will see more fan involvement than you can possibly comprehend... but not before.

  4. #40

    Default Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Here is what I see....

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  5. #41

    Track & Field Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ I like your message and your slogan. BUT, UL has got to "GIVE US A REASON" to support it. So far, it is business as usual. It is time to put out a message, a PLAN, on where UL is, where it is going, and how it plans to get there. Get people excited. INFORM people. EXCITE people. Then, we can have a reason to BE THE REASON. It is time for this transformation to take place. The only holdup is UL. _
    Farmer is peddling the hamster wheel, but he may need some help from some fatter furrier hamsters :-)

    When the RCAF is finalllllllllllllllllllllllllly announced, I think it will provide part of the needed spark...

    If you have ever seen the movie Tora! Tora! Tora!...waiting on Farmer reminds me of the Japanese embassy typing out the declaration of war :-0

  6. #42

    Track & Field Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Civil Cajun View Post
    _ Here is what I see.... _
    Everbody's got one, yours might as well be educated...

  7. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by drumroll View Post
    _ Farmer is peddling the hamster wheel, but he may need some help from some fatter furrier hamsters :-)

    When the RCAF is finaLly announced, I think it will provide part of the needed spark...

    If you have ever seen the movie Tora! Tora! Tora!...waiting on Farmer reminds me of the Japanese embassy typing out the declaration of war :-0 _
    Wheel? We don't have a wheel yet. Farmer, Walker and Savoie have to make the wheel and give everyone a reason to get on it. A big part of being an "AD" is promoting the program. Call me crazy but what about buy a little air time in NOLA, Houston and Acadiana to roll out the RCAF? If we can't afford it then how about a newspaper ad? Radio ad?....internet page? Milk carton?

    Wait here's the RCAF web page!

  8. #44

    Track & Field Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    Milk carton?
    Got milk? I like the milk carton idea :-)

  9. #45

    Default Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Civil Cajun View Post
    _ Here is what I see.... _
    Let me help you out civilcajun. By Rivals own avg. rating, the Cajuns are last because they signed a small class. The smallest in theSun Belt. If the Cajuns signed another three athletes or the full 25 with the same avg. per prospect, where would they rank in the Sun Belt? Somewhere in the middle of the Sun Belt rankings, which would be about right. The difference between a 2.06 or a 2.24 is very marginal in a class.

  10. #46
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    _ Let me help you out civilcajun. By Rivals own avg. rating, the Cajuns are last because they signed a small class. The smallest in theSun Belt. If the Cajuns singed another three athletes or the full 25 with the same avg. per prospect, where would they rank in the Sun Belt? Somewhere in the middle of the Sun Belt rankings, whixh would be about right. The difference between a 2.06 or a 2.24 is very marginal in a class. _
    T, you ever notice how you sound like a broken record? I know you've explained this at least a half a dozen times since Feb. 4.


  11. #47

    Default Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    _ T, you ever notice how you sound like a broken record? I know you've explained this at least a half a dozen times since Feb. 4.

    Z _


  12. #48

    Default Re: 2009 Sunbelt Recruiting Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    _ You are dead butt wrong on this one. Jay only reaches people on the radio that are already "in the fan system and donating". If pouncing on fans is the key to getting things right... we would be in sport's hogs heaven. Our school isn't doing what it takes to reach the fans for ownership in our program. Jay cannot reach them. Gerald Hebert's tireless efforts cannot reach them. The fans that schools with large followings and financial donations are not schools with "better fans". They are schools with better administration of the programs... including the fans. It takes a specific private charter system.

    It is absolutely totally ridiculous to blame fans for the sports operations at our school. Fans go where they want, do what they do, and spend money where they find value in it. Management of the fans is just as important, if not more important, than selecting a coach or building a facility.

    If you honestly believe that our admin is doing a fine job with fans, funding, and privatization... you are lost. Why don't you call Gerald and ask if they will run a commercial admonishing the "Cajun fans" for lack of support... as Jay has basically done... and see where that gets us. Right... we need to pound on our fans more. A BIG BS to that one Zephyr. _

    Look pal, you take many things said here and turn them completely around. I did not say the administration was doing a "fine" job but rather, I asked how you bangers can sit here and say that the current administration is failing us when the key components have been in place for such a short period of time. All they've done is do improvement projects to the exhisting structures we have. The school system is in the middle of athletic and academic budget cuts and some of you sit here and complain about the administration and their lack of fortitude for removing coaches for inadequate performance and insist that they put these ghost funds into better coaching staffs and better facilities. In a world where we are not strapped, sure I understand that but you are apart of the same freaking group that blames everybody else when something goes wrong. We lost that game, I blame the coaches. That player chose to transfer, I blame the coaches. This tends to be the trend. I remember your rediculous rants after we didn't get into the I-Bowl and you wanted Bustle gone. You spoke completely irrational and realized you were wrong. I'm not going to do that here but I'll call you on your BS!

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