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Thread: Cajun Field information ... Who is Chris Debaillon?

  1. #1

    UL Football Cajun Field information ... Who is Chris Debaillon?

    This site has some good information on the Swamp. What does it mean natural bowl, was there a pond there at one time? Who is Chris Debaillon?

  2. #2


    Debaillion is a renowned house painter in Broussard, if I recall correctly.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Swamp

    Originally posted by CajunCall
    Who is Chris Debaillon?
    You rang?

  4. #4


    Hi Mr. Debaillon your information on the swamp is facinating. It appears to be dated to 1996, I tried emailing you but the email came back. I was wondering if there used to be a pond where the swamp is now? ps Now I remember seeing CDEB everwhere.

  5. #5

    UL Football

    posted by CajunCall
    I was wondering if there used to be a pond where the swamp is now? ps Now I remember seeing CDEB everwhere.
    I was not asked, but saw the construction of the thing, and I do not recall any pond natural or manmade. The the soil materials creating the burms on the endzones and sidelines were dug out of the playing area to create a surface two feet below sea level.

  6. #6


    That information is straight from the 1996 or 1997 media guide. I put it on a web site that I was running back then, and I allowed the guy that runs this stadium site to copy the information to use on that page. It doesn't look like it's been updated since then. The email address for me on that page hasn't been valid since 1999.

    As far as I know, there was no pond on that site. I know they had some extensive bulldozer work to prepare the site. I think "earthen" or "Grass" would be better terms to use than "natural" because if there was a depression there before Cajun Field, there wasn't much of one.

  7. Default the swamp

    During the construction of Cajun Field the Contractor did discover that there was an underground stream at the site. I'm not sure what corrective measures were taken, but the problem has never raised it's head. Maybe calling it the Swamp was really justified by the stream's existence. K

  8. Default Re: Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunCall
    Who is Chris Debaillon?
    UL Alumni Association selects outstanding graduates within each college based on academics and their involvement on campus and in the community. College deans nominate honorees. This semester Chris Debaillon was chosen as the outstanding graduate for University of Louisiana's College of Engineering .


    Chris Debaillon civil engineering, son of Daniel and Loretta Debaillon of Houston

    You have a bachelor's in mechanical engineering. Why did you decide to go back to school for a second engineering degree?

    Right after getting my mechanical degree, I got a job in the oil industry. After five years, I got laid off. I had no more interest in working in the industry and wanted to get into something else.

    What's the next step for you?

    My wife and I are getting ready to move right now to College Station, Texas, to go to Texas A&M. I'll start there in the spring for my master's in civil engineering. My goal is to work with some type of consulting firm or agency involved in traffic engineering.

    Why traffic engineering?

    My wife, Jamie, said it was perfect because it was always something I complained about so much. I guess that was part of it. When you drive around a bunch and see a lot and you see the problem a lot, you wonder about ways that it could be helped.

    What do you hope to be doing in seven years?

    The goal would be to move back to Louisiana. The state needs people who want to stay and who want to make things better (rather) than just leaving to where the best opportunity is. It needs people to make opportunity here, and this will always be home.

    The rest of the story

    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Homes SO Clean

  9. Default Re: Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy
    UL Alumni Association selects outstanding graduates within each college based on academics and their involvement on campus and in the community. College deans nominate honorees. This semester Chris Debaillon was chosen as the outstanding graduate for University of Louisiana's College of Engineering .
    Pull your damn tie up to the top---Great photo and best of luck at the new place!!!!!!

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