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Thread: Send the fans a message

  1. #1

    Default Send the fans a message

    Heck send the next coach a message. That you freaking care. Fire a failed coach when it is obvious he failed. You gain nothing by holding on to a loser till the end of the season, it tells everyone you don't care.

  2. #2
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Send the fans a message

    Quote Originally Posted by NCAA or BUST View Post
    _ Heck send the next coach a message. That you freaking care. Fire a failed coach when it is obvios he failed. You gain nothing by holding on to a loser till the end of the season, it tells everyone you don't care. _
    95% of people on this board agree that Lee should be fired.

    I bet less than 20% believe he should be fired before the season has ended.

    The "message" sent would not be a good one, IMO.

  3. #3

    UL Basketball Re: Send the fans a message

    As an outsider with some decent knowledge of UL athletics, I think Lee should be let go at the end of the season. For whatever reasons, I think of professional sports when coaches are let go during the middle of the season. Unfortunately, you are seeing it more and more in college basketball. For instance, it's already happened three times in the SEC within the last year (Brady, Gottfried, Felton). In LSU's situation, some believed Brady early was sent packing to give Butch a shot to prove his worth.

  4. Default Re: Send the fans a message

    I can only think of 2 in season firings at UL.

    Last year the track coach put in his resignation an was told he couldn't quit he was fired and leave now. (I am playing with scemantics)

    The outher was Faulkinberry. Authement fired him with a game to go. That was some 35 plus years ago so I don't know if I would call it a reserved for professional ranks sort of thing.

    I also have little formed opinion on the type of message it sends.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Send the fans a message

    Quote Originally Posted by bballholic View Post
    _ As an outsider with some decent knowledge of UL athletics, I think Lee should be let go at the end of the season. For whatever reasons, I think of professional sports when coaches are let go during the middle of the season. Unfortunately, you are seeing it more and more in college basketball. For instance, it's already happened three times in the SEC within the last year (Brady, Gottfried, Felton). In LSU's situation, some believed Brady early was sent packing to give Butch a shot to prove his worth. _
    I think Brady's firing may have been a mercy firing for the fans to give them hope of a future (I know as a fan I appreciated it)(I also recall Brady making some comments at the time that may have spurred the firing). I don't think that same midseason firing makes sense in most situations including UL's, nor do I think it wd be the right thing to do to Coach Lee.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Send the fans a message

    LSU had Butch Pierre to run the team for the remainder of the season. The cajuns have nobody that I'd like to see running the team in a head coach capacity if Lee is fired. Firing him at the end of the season is appropriate enough. It would be par for the course if he made a late run and into the conference tourney which of course would make the decision harder for the administration.

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