Originally Posted by
_ If you want to count all the insignificant four year Universities in Alabama, then they have just as many. I promise you that the funding is not the same to each school, which is what you’re suggesting. Anyway, the premise of my statement is that Louisiana can’t afford to fund all Universities the same. The LSU system & the UL system get the same amount of funds. If a school in the UL system was declared “flagship” of the UL system, then more funds would be funneled to it but the others would suffer.
I continuously see LSU being blamed for UL-Lafayette’s problems on this board. The big boogie man in Baton Rouge. It is starting to sound like AL Sharpton & Jessie Jackson when continuously blaming white America for Black people’s problems. Why not take responsibility for yourself? You all look ridiculous.
Another thing, you keep referring to another flagship university. The assumption here seems to be that UL-Lafayette should be the other flagship. You really think LA Tech, UL-Monroe & others will allow that to happen? I think you have more than LSU to worry about trying to become the flagship school of the UL system. Even if LSU endorsed such an idea, the other schools will fight it. _